The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools, but the ...

The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools, but the gentle touches of air and water working at their leisure with a liberal allowance of time.

I am a social liberal.

I am certainly a liberal.

I am a limousine liberal.

I'm a very liberal person.

I'm a liberal arts junkie.

I had a very liberal family.

I am personally quite liberal.

Vermont's a very liberal state.

My family had liberal positions.

I'm happy to be called a liberal.

I grew up in a very liberal place.

M&A guidelines need to be liberal.

I'm not a predictable black liberal.

I went to NYU to study liberal arts.

I'm not your quintessential liberal.

I'm a liberal inside a liberal's body.

My dad's cool. He is socially liberal.

Reality has a well-known liberal bias.

I don't want to do just a liberal show.

I'm short, I'm Jewish and I'm a liberal.

I am the gold standard for liberal bile!

I'm a classical liberal. A free thinker.

Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned.

Seattle is this curious liberal 'island.'

Liberal: a power worshipper without power.

There are no factions in the Liberal Party.

I am a liberal. I want everyone to be well.

Well, I am not afraid of the word 'liberal.'

Every liberal position is built on a fallacy.

I am a liberal. I have always been a liberal.

Jeremy Corbin is a little too liberal for me.

My side, I am a liberal more than a Democrat.

I'm a liberal, but I'm not biased. Seriously.

Yes, I'm of the old guard, liberal Republican.

Men of polite learning and a liberal education.

The ultimate good in a liberal state is liberty.

I'm a liberal Democrat, and I state that proudly.

I'm a liberal - and I'm not running from that word!

I guess blustery liberal Republicans flock together.

MSNBC will never be as liberal as Fox is conservative.

I started out being a really, really liberal Democrat.

Guilt. It comes naturally to me as a Jew and a Liberal.

I do not consider a liberal necessarily to be a leftist.

Bolton School has a great tradition in the liberal arts.

Bill Rehnquist makes Barry Goldwater look like a liberal.

I'm a right-wing fiscal conservative and a social liberal.

Brattleboro is a very small town, but it's pretty liberal.

You can't get past the liberal press with a bucket of ink.

I have no limits to my ambition for the Liberal Democrats.

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