I want to question the images that are in our memory. There is always a double level in my work; what you see is true and at the same time not true.

I've learned that ayahuasca works in levels, a little like peeling an onion. It is complex and something you really have to experience to understand.

We are getting used to levels of violence, we are getting used to seeing these horrific things going on all the time. I think it's tough. It's rough.

...the Federal Reserve has the capacity to operate in domestic money markets to maintain interest rates at a level consistent with our economic goals

Our brains are too slow to register that every concrete object is winking in and out of existence at the quantum level thousands of times per second.

I love the levels, the depth, that the character has. He is the only member of the Justice League who cannot take off his costume. He is Cyborg 24/7.

I don't believe that everybody is out of some kind of cookie cutter, so the thing that protects me is always being level with myself, even to myself.

As writers, we're always trying to connect with the audience on a visceral level. We usually do that through drama, through emotion or through humor.

Sen. Frist has every right, and indeed the duty, to see that every presidential nominee for the Federal bench at every level gets an up or down vote.

The simile has to match the tone of its surroundings and has to be like a little joke. Writing a simile that isn't funny on some level is quite hard.

She was a level-headed woman who saw the glass as neither half empty nor half full, but rather a glass with something in it and room to pour in more.

Most museums in Moscow, like Tretyakov, were established by philanthropists, whose passion for art allowed the development of culture on many levels.

How can we ask for our young stars to have a high level of responsibility if we are not demonstrating that same level of responsibility towards them?

Of all the men I have known, I cannot recall one whose mother did her level best for him when he was little who did not turn out well when he grew up.

Everything I have today is because of Africa, I was born here, went to school here, I work here and I'm achieving some level of financial comfort here

At some level, I feel it is nice to know that a film of yours is doing well at the box office and has also got great reviews. That feels like success.

At the enterprise level, businesses have the talent and budget to create and enforce policies that prevent staffers from installing things themselves.

All we need to do, reader or writer, from first line to final page, is be as open as a book, and be alive to the life in language - on all its levels.

We must act to reduce the increasingly dangerous and destructive levels of carbon pollution that account for practically all of global climate change.

Religion has become an impersonal affair, an institutional loyalty. It survives on the level of activities rather than in the stillness of commitment.

I have no problems with a multicultural society; I think that is to the benefit of the country. But you have to be careful what levels you take it to.

It's a hard concept for me to wrap my head around to completely sacrifice any sort of love in your life, to never experience that on a personal level.

I want to experience a performance on all levels - I want goose bumps and I want to leave the movie or play arguing about something that's unresolved.

We are caught in a trap, a cycle, in which we keep trying to solve the world's problems at every level - except the level at which the problems exist.

I learned that famous writers are people with foibles like anyone else and this helped me realize reaching their level of notoriety wasn't impossible.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, what level of schooling you’ve had or where you live—stalking is innate to the female psyche. We’ve all been there.

The intensity of a national culture should be represented by... the general education level and... the exceptional merit of a small elite of pioneers.

I only halfway paid attention in high school Spanish class, and it may be too late now to catch up, no matter how many levels of Rosetta Stone I order.

If you're exercising hard and training hard every day, you've got to have carbs; you can't just cut them out. That's how you get your energy levels up.

On a personal level, just for me in my own work, I would say the most interesting thing has been getting to work with the people that I've worked with.

Attempts to restrict encryption at the state or local levels would only serve to undermine security and economic competitiveness for the entire nation.

I Never Liked You. I think that's my best book. I think it works the best as a story, and I like the drawing. It works on both levels, for me at least.

The main problem with the Democrats is their utter negativity. They're made up of schumucks and hypocrites. They also have higher levels of immorality.

Athletics brings out a side of you that is wonderful. It brings out so many good attributes like competing, intensity and playing at the highest level.

Kugel was a firm believer that death was not always a bad thing - that life often reached such levels of crapitude that dying was preferable to living.

You can never have too much coffee”, I said He turned and smiled at me. “You think so, but the rest of us get a little OD’ed on your level of caffeine.

On lower budget things you're still working collaboratively, but the investment and your level of creative importance is higher on something like this.

There's a level of action unlike anything else on television. AMC always makes distinctive television and I think that certainly fits that requirement.

A highly cultivated taste, a taste that is knowledgeable and eclectic, is likely to be exciting and provocative, a personal taste at its highest level.

If you are succesfull for 20 years, you can't expect to stay on the same level all through that period. A career has its ups and downs and in-betweens.

I do miss my hair because I used to do so much stuff with it, but I do like different levels of short. I had a super short pixie before, and I loved it.

And we have a Fed that's doing political things. This Janet Yellen of the Fed. The Fed is doing political - by keeping the interest rates at this level.

I like diversity. I'd like there to be all levels of gay and straight, all different variations of gender, all colors, all creeds. I'm into seeing that.

Democratically elected governments meekly requesting giant corporations to pay pitifully low levels of tax on their enormous profits is not a good look.

Foreign news is one of the most expensive kinds of news and, unlike in colonial days, one of the categories with the lowest levels of audience interest.

I've not seen in my lifetime any politician who is a heroic figure. The manipulation that all politicians use on one level or another is so transparent.

During my work there I came across some very significant issues that I started reporting in December of 2001 to the mid-level management within the FBI.

In all American professional sports you start on a certain level and you have to work your way up through a farm system. It's really the same in acting.

I can't be as confident about computer science as I can about biology. Biology easily has 500 years of exciting problems to work on. It's at that level.

Mediums change you by their very existence. They do this on fundamental levels because they force you to favour certain parts of your brain over others.

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