AN ABSOLUTELY VITAL FILM. Exacting, enraging and revelatory. A clear, temperate and devastating account of high level arrogance and incompetence.

I believe everyone has the ability to be hypnotised, and I think, on different days, different people will have varying levels of susceptibility.

Exercising first thing in the morning ensures that you'll have the time for it, and it improves your self-control and energy levels all day long.

In addition to the artistic influences, I am influenced by my current private life, my feelings about it and my energy level and state of health.

With rap music, there are billions and billions of samples that are uncleared that people have never been bothered about on an underground level.

Adopting a new healthier lifestyle can involve changing diet to include more fresh fruit and vegetables as well as increasing levels of exercise.

You are able to create an environment so that the creative process can take place and that you can get people to perform at their highest levels.

If enough of us stop looking away and decide that climate change is a crisis worthy of Marshall Plan levels of response, then it will become one.

Any one who wants to live in peace and freedom will be to live by toil, demonstration of high levels of discipline and tolerance for one another.

The desire definitely comes from within. There are only a few people who make it to this level and those are the ones who have that innate desire.

'The Player,' I loved so much because it was such a labor of love on all levels, and it was such an enormous honor to be in a Robert Altman movie.

A snowball is simple, direct and familiar to most of us. I use this simplicity as a container for feelings and ideas that function on many levels.

The expectation levels aren't as high because a team is expected to win on its home court. That takes a little of the pressure off us on the road.

I think women are by nature competitive - secretly, privately within their own selves, on lots of different levels, on the way they look, perform.

The lower you go down the levels, the more players think they need to hang on to the ball to prove how talented they are, but that's not football.

Because on some level, even though it never turns out to be true, and even though I should know better, I still expect life to be like the movies.

Public office is supposed to be a public trust. This is a clear sign of the rampant corruption at the highest levels of the Republican leadership.

And people do enjoy the plays at completely different levels. And, likewise, they enjoy the authorship question... at completely different levels.

The objective level is not words, and cannot be reached by words alone. We must point our finger and be silent, or we will never reach this level.

It is presentation which lifts the card trick from the level of the commonplace puzzle to the status of an unforgettable and inexplicable mystery.

Religion can only change when the emotions which fill it are changed; and the religion of personal fear remains nearly at the level of the savage.

I do love fish, and I thought it was healthy without understanding the high mercury levels that fish like tuna, swordfish and halibut can contain.

I'm not a designer, I'm a sifter. I can sift everything, all the time. My sift level lines keep shaking all the time for everything that is around.

It's pretty rare to have CEOs or high level executives at big companies who are social activists. They tend not to be drawn to those areas of life.

It's important to me if I'm having a good time than I feel like the work is better. The quality of it is better and my level of interest is higher.

There's a suspicion always about politicians. The suspicion level is really elevated and it just feels like people do not trust their institutions.

I would like to work with a great producer who I haven't met yet. I'm not sure who he is, but I'm looking for someone to take me to the next level.

I believe everything creative is somewhat collaborative. If you're a painter and someone stretches your canvas, it was collaborative on some level.

I think I enjoy my job more now than I did when I started. When I started in 1996 on a national level, I was 27 and part of me was scared to death.

Vade Mecum I want the scissors to be sharp and the table perfectly level when you cut me out of my life and paste me in that book you always carry.

There's always ways of motivating yourself to higher levels. Write about it, dream about it. But after that, turn it into action. Don't just dream.

I don't put myself on Jeff Beck's level, but I can relate to him when he says he'd rather be working on his car collection than playing the guitar.

Music is a fair and glorious gift of God. I am strongly persuaded that after theology, there is no art which can be placed on the level with music.

The principal objective of American government at every level should be to see that children are born into intact families and that they remain so.

I never want to be satisfied. I never want to be like, 'OK, this is good enough.' I always want to get to the next level and help the team improve.

Only thought is capable of inventing the fiction of a State that is universal by right, of elevation the State to the level of de jure universality

The main aim of pre-season is to get ready for the competitive games and go into those in the best possible fashion on group and individual levels.

When you reach that elite level, 90 percent is mental and 10 percent is physical. You are competing against yourself. Not against the other athlete.

All human interaction, you can break it down to incentives. All relationships, at some level, are transactional. They're fascinated with incentives.

When you get to a higher level of consciousness, though, when you get into a spiritual approach to life, you are not trying to get someplace else...

It doesn`t really matter what policy you`re for, so long ease gets your gut-level anger about whatever. So, you can`t attack Donald Trump on policy.

Don't get stuck on the level of words. A word is no more than a means to an end. It's an abstraction. Not unlike a signpost, it points beyond itself

Everything I do is going to be gangsta rap, street based, street oriented... I'm from Gary, Indiana, and everybody's damn near at the poverty level.

I'd worked at the World Bank briefly as an undergrad and studied poverty levels around the world - particularly those earning less than $1.25 a day.

Leadership, in short, is power governed by principle, directed toward raising people to their highest levels of personal motive and social morality.

We try to write things that can be interpreted on lots of different levels. There's not a right way or a wrong way... people can adventure a little.

I used to ask Sean questions about acting. He's a brilliant actor, but I could never digest his information. I work primarily on an intuitive level.

I would not be on the level did I not confess that I always have believed that the old Browns were a great team, one of the greatest ever organized.

Оur music, it's an acquired taste. It's almost cult, even at our level. It can mean nothing to somebody and it can mean everything to somebody else.

You have made a very good point: both the Prime Minister [Shindzo Abe] and I enjoy a fairly high level of trust among the citizens of our countries.

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