The only thing a title can buy is a little time-either to increase your level of influence with others or to undermine it.

We've had incredibly huge obstacles in our way - no tapes, no royalties, no cooperation on any level - and we sort it out.

With age, life becomes complex and difficult, often fraught with risk on several levels, from the practical to the fiscal.

My biggest surprise is probably the level of involvement of all the artists [in Valerian] who participated at every level.

All societies are based on a sort of minimum level of communism. Otherwise, you couldn't have any social relations at all.

There is no greater prediction in the research of our levels of happiness than the breadth and depth of our relationships.

Within a single school, teachers often encounter differences in poverty levels, parent involvement, and student readiness.

It makes me feel like working non-stop: at least, on sets, the level of security gives me a bit of privacy. It's a relief.

His regime has had high-level contacts with al Qaeda going back a decade and has provided training to al Qaeda terrorists.

But something held me back. Perhaps I was stopped by that level of feeling, deeper than thought, which contains the truth.

I don't trust doctors. It's not to say there ain't some good ones, but on a general level, no, I wouldn't trust 'em at all.

Every hour of every day, at every level in every organization, influential people succeed and non-influential people don't.

We can fight over what the taxation levels should be, but the tax system should be very, very simple and not distortionary.

If you start to see more successful businesses that are playing on a global level, the story of Africa will begin to change

We're the most violent nation on earth. There's no getting away from that. But you've got to look at it on a broader level.

Music is supposed to create an associate level, wherein I and you and you and I can associate without any misunderstanding.

Everybody that loves Nancy loves it in a slightly condescending way. Nancy is comics reduced to their most elemental level.

The mass never comes up to the standard of its best member, but on the contrary degrades itself to a level with the lowest.

When we're doing an action game, we make the second level first. We begin making level 1 once everything else is completed.

Lead levels exceeding federal thresholds pose a serious public health threat, particularly for more vulnerable populations.

If China don't free up the political side, its economic growth will come to an end - while it is still at a very low level.

The intensity of the Premier League is incredible. The levels of fitness you have to reach just to survive in it is absurd.

With girls, friendships are hard because you have to learn to get to a maturity level to love them but not want to be them.

If you're eating sugar throughout the day, you're spiking your blood sugar level and you're becoming a fat storing machine.

To be proven wrong should be celebrated, for it is elevating someone to a new level of understanding, furthering awareness.

He that is conscious of guilt cannot bear the innocence of others:So they will try to reduce all others to their own level.

51 Martin [guitar] sounded pretty good as new guitar. Martin has several levels of guitars now, and this one is pretty good.

We are destined not to go back to the level of animals that we've come from but to return to being by going beyond thinking.

Governor Kasich and I won't agree on everything, but agree we've got to control the rise in health care costs on all levels.

The lack of space and a growing prison population has strained resources and put pressure on all levels of the penal system.

I did an O-level in domestic science when I was at school, but on the day of the practical exam, it was a cookery nightmare.

[Visualisation] works most powerfully when you realize that it is already a reality on the unseen level. It's already there.

Screenwriters get paid a hell of a lot more money but their level of frustration seems to be so high that I don't want that.

Every civilized human being, whatever his conscious development, is still an archaic man at the deeper levels of his psyche.

I do not believe that a counterterrorism strategy all by itself, without a sufficient level of counterinsurgency, will work.

I'm definitely really shy on some level. But on another level, I'm all entertainer. It's a strange dichotomy, but it's true.

My passion should be clear and please know it runs deep within all levels of my consciousness. I feel it. I feel everything.

I assemble stories-me and a hundred million other people-at the sentence level. Not by coming up with a sweeping story line.

Nobody can teach you love. Love you have to find yourself, within your being, by raising your consciousness to higher levels.

For me, if you distill comedy down, it is surprise and the unexpected. That has to be it on its most base level, in any form.

Most Christians are educated way beyond the level of their obedience already! We don’t need to know more, we need to do more.

If I'd made it right away as an actor, I would've stopped at a certain level and stayed there, probably as a character actor.

When you manipulate others your attention level drops and you become prey, for you have dropped to the plane of manipulation.

Some jobs required a certain level of detachment; a turning off of emotions in order to do the things that needed to be done.

When you put someone on therapy, you lower the level of virus such that it makes it very difficult for them to infect others.

As children of the Lord we should strive every day to rise to a higher level of personal righteousness in all of our actions.

Only our own strength, a strong conservative party, can prevent Red-Red-Green from taking power at the federal level in 2017.

Pseudoscience is like a virus. At low levels, it's no big deal, but when it reaches a certain threshold it becomes sickening.

It's difficult to have any animosity towards someone if you recognize that on so many levels they're exactly the same as you.

Great spiritual teachings do not change, but we do. As we grow older and wiser, we can receive the teachings at deeper levels.

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