If you have achieved any level of success, then pour it into someone else. Success is not success without a successor.

The highest summits and those elevated above the level of other things are mostly blasted by envy as by a thunderbolt.

Spend 70% of your spare time doing things close to home and the other 30% doing work at the global and national level.

You know, the Super Bowl is so fresh that every single commercial is even on, you know, some next-level entertainment.

Demonic activity levels? Do they have a device that measures whether the demons inside the house are doing power yoga?

The wonderful thing about films is how they can be understood by so many different people on so many different levels.

I believe that when you do what you love, you find higher levels of satisfaction that can compensate for lower income.

Every day in training, we will try to work to keep improving the things we can do and maintaining the levels we're at.

Because I knew I had got success at Ranji level, I was confident I would get some success in international cricket too.

Freedom works, it turns out; the Constitution codified and structured freedom at a level unparalleled in world history.

If you choose to be a Muslim then you believe that it is on some level wrong to show the image of the Prophet Muhammad.

I find something funny when it lives on many levels - a level of self-deprecation, of knowledge and heightened reality.

At the beginning of the season, you're still getting your fitness levels up, and those first few games are quite tough.

The most important thing for us to do as beings is to be aware of our position in the world on a micro and macro level.

Read at the level at which you want to write. Reading is the nourishment that feeds the kind of writing you want to do.

I will fight for my children on any level so they can reach their potential as human beings and in their public duties.

I went to Performing Arts because that was the only school that would accept me. My scholastic level was not very high.

Excessive (population) growth may reduce output per worker, repress levels of living for the masses and engender strife

I can play a power game, but I also have the ability to step it up to another level and hit shots even further on call.

The great scandal of American life is that we pay for German levels of government without enjoying the related benefits.

America needs education reform on all levels to expand quality schools, build on past successes, and lower college debt.

I told you the one change we would make in the initial start level of the football pressure, but that's really about it.

I never underestimate or overestimate anybody. Really we have to try and find levels of performance for ourselves first.

When you inherit the level of economic catastrophe that President Obama inherited, it was a real touch-and-go situation.

Sometimes girls would come in and audition and they'd talk down, and it was like, "No, no, talk to the human eye level."

I'm no stranger to a bit of sexist backlash, but I was surprised by the level of vicious and misogynist hate I received.

Every day we have the opportunity to make our relationships be on the outside what they really are on a spiritual level.

I did study Shakespeare, that was sort of my thing; I got a Literature A-level, which is my only claim to academic fame.

Becoming a good listener, you are able to connect with others on more levels and develop stronger, deeper relationships.

...the number of saintly men has not yet risen to the level where the census makes them a separate statistical category.

'Brahmotsavam' is a love story set in a family backdrop... It's all about relationships people have on different levels.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure.

I find it amusing on one level, poignant on another, when people try to get recognition from an outside source. It's sad.

You know, it's been proven that 35 to 40 hours a year with one-on-one attention, a student can get one grade level higher

Absolute trust is something hard to achieve even in a family, and it is much harder to achieve on an international level.

We have to get back down to basics. We have to start organizing at the neighborhood level to get people educated to vote.

Check your testosterone levels. Every study on evolutionary psychology has correlated testosterone levels with dominance.

There's different levels of where we do well throughout Europe. Fortunately, for us, it's pretty great all throughout it.

All of comedy at some level is trial-and-error, whether it's a stand-up trying out jokes or a comedy show trying stories.

...there is no safe level of exposure to ionizing radiation, and the search for quantifying such a safe level is in vain.

I never say "get like me". I would hate for my competition to be on my level. In fact, stay exactly with what your doing.

At the deepest level, all living things that have ever been looked at have the same DNA code. And many of the same genes.

The principal mechanism for convergence at the international as well as the domestic level is the diffusion of knowledge.

While the Internet is censored in China, the censorship is allowing a level of speech to take place that's unprecedented.

Introvert, her brain responds with a high level of activity, it is as if several lights start flashing on a control panel.

By 1985 enough millions will have died to reduce the earth's population to some acceptable level, like 1.5 billion people.

Those who have made unhappy marriages walk on stilts, while the happy ones are on a level with the crowd. No one sees 'em!

Therefore, wheat products elevate blood sugar levels more than virtually any other carbohydrate, from beans to candy bars.

I began as a bowler and batting at No. 8 or 9 at Under-14, U-16 and U-19 levels, so to change myself was really difficult.

I look at the deejay thing as a tier thing. If I'm not going to compete on that level, I'm just going to do it as a hobby.

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