A poet's mission is to make words do more work than they normally do, to make them work on more than one level.

I'm in Cleveland. I enjoy myself. I enjoy going out and competing at highest level for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

one of the good things about being a woman is that my level of testosterone poisoning is lower than most men's.

I'm not hugely technical with things, but I guess that the thing I use most is my iPhone, on a practical level.

The good guys had to operate on a higher level than the killers--just for society to keep track of who was who.

Success lives with no address as people keep searching for it in spite of making any amount or level of progress

Happiness consists in always aspiring perfection, the pause in any level in perfection is the pause of happiness

The process of achievement comes through repeated failures and the constant struggle to climb to a higher level.

Once you start going out putting expectation levels on yourself, you lose the concept of trying to win the game.

The development of the individual can be described as a succession of new births at consecutively higher levels.

Villains are kind of hard to really know on a personal level when you see them as mean, unsensitive-type people.

Sea level rise and destruction of water resources as glaciers melt alone may have horrendous human consequences.

Just because you've reached a certain level of success, that doesn't mean you've become corrupted by the system.

If you don't go to every level of your company, you distance yourself from the marketplace and from your people.

Even the small amount of infamy I have makes me uncomfortable - on a personal level and on a professional level.

I'm neither professional fighter nor physicist, therefore on some level I will always consider myself a failure.

Chiropractic care is an important part of keeping me in the best condition so I can perform at an optimal level.

Are you willing to take the Big Leap to your ultimate level of success in love, money, and creative contribution?

I think fitness and performance levels are the right indicators to determine if it's the time to leave the scene.

You can be a model to the masses, but to go to the higher levels of influence, you have to work with individuals.

Those who can think, but cannot express what they think, place themselves at the level of those who cannot think.

Reduced to a miserable mass level, the level of a Hitler, German Romanticism broke out into hysterical barbarism.

The level of discourse reaching a mailbox simply cannot be limited to that which would be suitable for a sandbox.

Men now monopolize the upper levels... depriving women of their rightful share of opportunities for incompetence.

I like to enjoy foods that keep my energy levels stable. Otherwise I'd likely crash at some point during the day.

This is women's moment to shift the tectonic plates of power on both the personal life and the leadership levels.

The government at all levels is overly represented by white men. That's part of the problem, and I'm a white man.

In a weird way scientists understand things on a higher level but it takes a lot of dedication and a lot of time.

The hard part is majors are exhausting on their own. They're a long week. So the hard part is your energy levels.

Philosophy cannot raise the commonalty up to her level: so, if she is to become popular, she must sink to theirs.

My early films were about self discovery, and films of internal conflict. At that level, they were very personal.

Our children take our level of vibration and raise it even higher. This is how we, as humans, continue evolution.

If you spend too much time in a place like that your power level will be lowered and these beings will annoy you.

In a time of crisis we all have the potential to morph up to a new level and do things we never thought possible.

At the simplest level, only people who know they do not know everything will be curious enough to find things out.

Man cannot endure his own littleness unless he can translate it into meaningfulness on the largest possible level.

I did an A Level in Theatre Studies and had a really inspirational teacher, and then I just went on to university.

AMC is a fantastic network that does diverse programming, and does it at a really good level and of great quality.

I don't think I have reached a plateau. I have just reached the level where I am today. But I need to go above it.

In a global arena, what our businessmen need in order to be competitive is transparency and a level playing-field.

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be an actor. It has just always been an inevitability on some level.

It took me 35 years of being involved at a decent level of football to become manager at a great club like Celtic.

Getting to the NBA really helped me personally on a lot of levels. I liked it so much that I wanted to stay there.

Even the wealth of the U.S. cannot protect against the levels of environmental destruction that we are unleashing.

On an emotional level, I don't want to be a guide. I want people to hear things and experience them their own way.

I had this epiphany that I like the interaction with people. I wanted to make things happen at a grassroots level.

Only art and science make us suspect the existence of life to a higher level, and maybe also instill hope thereof.

Cooking hasn't yet been accepted as the art form it is. It should be on the level with any of the other art forms.

We try to write things that work on a variety of levels at the same time: A sleek exterior with a turbulent lyric.

British men are peacocks. You see a lot more style on the streets here than you see anywhere else, on every level.

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