Polytechnique is a school whose multi disciplinary, very high scientific level curriculum is invaluable.

The best leaders... almost without exception and at every level, are master users of stories and symbols.

If you're satisfied with everything you're just going to stay at one level and the world will move ahead.

Every experience that we have is unique to us because at some deep level we make an interpretation of it.

Sometimes with a comedy it's just having the instinct of how real you play it and what level you want it.

The solution is never at the level of the problem. The solution is always love, which is beyond problems.

As Far As People Who Ran The Show, It Was The Highest Levels of NATO, the U.S., MI6, CIA And The Pentagon

Yes, doing a work, telling a story very much represents a way to save my own life, and on so many levels.

Poetry should be able to reach everybody, and it should be able to appeal to all levels of understanding.

Deeply funny musings and adventures elevate Paul Rudnick to the highest level of American comedy writing.

Writing plays for me is often an act of looking at basement-level fears in terms of where they come from.

Your leadership skills determine the level of your success, and the success of those who work around you.

I love to musicalize things. You do employ a whole level of gravity. You use the emotional heft of music.

You have to sink way down to a level of hopelessness and desperation to find the book that you can write.

Whole class of filmmakers, they're all graduating to a new level of filmmaking, which I think is awesome.

We want free trade but we want free trade that is good. We want free trade that levels the playing field.

Sporting a six-pack doesn't necessarily mean that one is fit as it tends to reduce one's immunity levels.

We live on two levels ... the realistic level and the fantastic level, and which is the real one, really?

A small country like Georgia has little influence on conflicts that must be resolved at the global level.

I'd like to see college debt levels drop by a lot, but I'm not quite sure what the best way to do that is.

However steep or ramshackle they may be, don't ever despise the stairs which take you up to higher levels!

It's good to have critics because that's what motivates you and helps you take your game to another level.

If we treat people as who they can become, they will be inspired to rise to the level of our expectations.

The subsequent success levels, all the other stuff [after Trainspotting], it comes at a much higher level.

Technology has developed to a whole other level and theres the scientist part of me that loves that stuff.

My view of the afterlife is that it's made of different levels, depending on how spiritual a life we live.

By dedicating so much concentration to the issue of security, bilateral matters pass to a secondary level.

How many processes are going on, to keep that teacup level in your grasp? There must be a hundred of them.

If you don't like affirmative action, what is your plan to guarantee a level playing field of opportunity?

Literature is that which denounces and slashes apart the repressing machine at the level of the signified.

At the most subtle level, your inner intelligence is steadily progressing along the corridors of eternity.

When you look back at your career, there are moments that are levels that you hit and you bounce off them.

The matter of social security and these grants is to help to address the levels of poverty in the country.

To be first in the Middle East is not enough. We must raise ourselves to the level of a great world power.

We decentralise the ability to decide the level of publicity that's attached to any of our communications.

I just want to get to the level where I can say that that's my level, just try to play well, get up there.

If you dont measure yourself by achievement, how are you going to set achievement levels for other people?

God has blessed me on a lot of levels. Have I worked for it? Absolutely. But it still takes that blessing.

Being the son of a women's shoe factory owner, 'Kinky Boots' resonated with me on so many different levels.

When you're serving at the local level, you have to build strong personal relationships to get things done.

We all have our levels of risk tolerance. People who have decided they want to go to space are going to go.

Muslim organisations tend to have a low level of organisation. The communities in Europe are quite diverse.

If you don't measure yourself by achievement, how are you going to set achievement levels for other people?

There is no debating that, under President Obama, corporate profits are at their highest levels in decades.

An enormous problem with paid media, especially at the congressional level, is it all starts to look alike.

And one of the most important values of Barack Obama is that he will always level with the American people.

I use fitness as a grounding tool to keep me balanced; nutrition is the same, to keep me at optimum levels.

My expectation levels are probably higher than what's achievable. But I have to keep pushing the standards.

In lower levels things are dark, gray, experiences are shallow. You become alienated from those around you.

I have a coach but there's nobody at my level in Gaza. I have to do most of my training sessions on my own.

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