I don't necessarily self-identify as a writer, 'cause it implies a certain level of intelligence.

The excitement level for me working on projects is really not a bit different from when I was 26.

I was obsessed with the Olympics. It's so exciting to see that level of excellence and endurance.

I was offered 'I'm A Celebrity...' for a lot of money, but I don't like the level of degradation.

I'm not an autobiographical writer, but I am a writer who deals with human emotion on all levels.

Individual differences in testosterone level predict very little about differences in aggression.

Men may keep a sort of level of good, but no man has ever been able to keep on one level of evil.

America is replicated at every level of British life, from the taxi driver to the prime minister.

No organism can afford to be conscious of matters with which it could deal at unconscious levels.

That which attempts to elevate the ugly to the level of beauty becomes neither; but an obscenity.

How we present ourselves matters a lot, and that's every American, not just at the senior levels.

With no more than six levels of misquotation, any statement can be made to say whatever you wish.

Conferences at the top level are always courteous. Name-calling is left to the foreign ministers.

At a certain level of suffering or injustice no one can do anything for anyone. Pain is solitary.

I believe that given the audience attention level, we could do an even more compelling 90 minutes.

I truly believe that we have infinite levels of power that we don't even know are available to us.

People weep at music all the time, because music gives form to some abstract level of integration.

Forget the self and you will fear nothing, in whatever level or awareness you find yourself to be.

Italians have famously low levels of trust in their government, and a tradition of medical hoaxes.

I know very well about the necessary level of reserves of the Central Bank as well as the purpose.

It's not like I'm not writing great music anymore, it's just that I want to take it another level.

Movie-making is an extreme sport on many levels. It requires stamina such as I had never imagined.

Racing is a passion...at this level, a source of immense gratification. So the rest is no problem.

L.A. is full of screenwriters. I don't know why. On many levels, it's such a thankless occupation.

If you haven't had a major fail in your career - face-plant level - you aren't trying hard enough.

What I discovered was that just by eating normally, we all have background levels of contaminants.

I think, on a surface level, people are surprised to see me playing such a passive role in 'Good.'

I want to dominate a little more, just be a level beyond everyone else. I expect that from myself.

One hopes that good, sensible and brave people will continue to go into public life at all levels.

We are always at the mercy of powers greater than us, even when our power is at its highest level!

Meditation is a vehicle for opening to the truth of this impermanence on deeper and deeper levels.

I try to be a truthful artist and I try to show a level of courage. I enjoy that. I'm a messenger.

If we really want to be full and generous in spirit, we have no choice but to trust at some level.

To me, music is that which connects human hearts. It is something that takes you to unknown levels.

The level of jealousy and insecurity in this industry [restaurant] is far greater than ever before.

In Count Julian I simply proposed to create a text which would allow for diverse levels of reading.

The problems of today can only be solved at a higher level of thinking than that which created them

Education no longer stops on graduation day. We must demand excellence at every level of education.

Leaders on every level should be primarily interested in rendering compassionate caring for others.

Community action is as valuable a principle on the international level as it has been domestically.

Most rappers taste level ain't at my waist level. Turn up the bass 'til it's up in your face level.

Levellers wish to level down as far as themselves; but they cannot bear levelling up to themselves.

Do I think I'm under-educated? Academically, absolutely. I never took any exams, no O- or A-levels.

Poverty is not only about income levels, but for lack of freedom that comes from physical insecurity

For the film to 'earn' the right to be criticized on a scientific level is a high compliment indeed.

Once you achieve a certain level of success or fame, it becomes really difficult to go against type.

When you arrive at a certain level it's very easy to say yes: that is the moment to learn to say no.

Michael Jordan makes you bring your game to another level. That's why I loved competing against him.

Bernie Sanders just seems to not have the personality to engage with people at the grassroots level.

Everything has some consciousness, and we tap into that. It is about energy at its most basic level.

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