It is clear that Messi is on a level above all others. Those who do not see that are blind.

The Japanese actually approach the music on a high level. It's always been on a high level.

I can make the best fart noises. I can make, like, 10 different sounds at different levels.

The higher one’s level of helpfulness to others, the greater wellbeing one will experience.

When you are angry, you make bad decisions in direct proportion to the level of your anger.

We all operate on different levels of awareness. Half the time I don't know what I'm doing.

The inability to delegate is one of the biggest problems I see with managers at all levels.

Share your blessings in whatever form they come and to whatever level you have been blessed.

Take heed when you think you stand, lest you fall. In this life you can fall from any level.

The satisfaction of producing a work of art is the thing of getting off on it on some level.

I played professional level sports. When you're playing for money, it's a whole other level.

I think great movies have to have some great moments in them to bring them up to that level.

We'd like to prearrange our life on all levels. We'd prefer it to be scripted. But it's not.

Radicalism and extremism, while they are dangers, they exist in every society on some level.

You don't score 64 goals in 86 games at the highest level without being able to score goals.

In His mercy, God gives us the level of revelation that our character is prepared to handle.

Like Vietnam, Afghanistan was never about troop levels; it is about how troops are utilized.

It's amazing what you can do with an E in A-Level art, a twisted imagination and a chainsaw.

By choosing to live above the ordinary level we create extraordinary problems for ourselves.

Quite often, ambition operates on a level of irritation. Not even jealousy, just irritation.

I feel the responsibility to make things which on some level have something positive to say.

There is no salvation for us but to adopt Civilization and lift ourselves down to its level.

I haven't come to tell you I've got juice I just produce, create, innovate on a higher level

I know that if I perform at a really high level, we're going to have a better chance to win.

Just because things get a little dingy at the subatomic level doesn't mean all bets are off.

All movies on some level can aspire to be more than just whatever the label is of the movie.

There are thousands and thousands of free programs available for people of any income level.

I work with so many levels of British law enforcement, I never know who is working for whom.

It's hard to be the first. It's almost as if I'm subject to a different level of inspection.

Power is the ability to translate, that is, to shift from one level of attention to another.

A good role is something that will stretch your abilities and make you go beyond your levels.

I always knew, on some level, that I wouldn't live long. It's simply not written in my stars.

Anyone who has not rowed in a really close Boat Race cannot comprehend the level of the pain.

A state's potential power is based on the size of its population and the level of its wealth.

But my happiness in this world - my level of peace - is never going to be dictated by acting.

Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence.

I try to get as close to a childlike level as possible because we were all artists back then.

I would suggest your awareness is your karma. How you feel generates your level of attention.

I've always done roles that really appealed to me on a gut level and which I found inspiring.

I didn't watch one tape on Pacquiao. There is no reason to study him. He's not at this level.

If you look at anything physical, you find out that at the quantum level, it is non-physical.

Every player needs to be aware of the levels of fitness needed to play international cricket.

Anytime in radio that you can reach somebody on an emotional level, you're really connecting.

Lowering the Lord’s standards to the level of a society’s inappropriate behavior is apostasy.

I was able to make many different kinds of movies. They enriched me on many different levels.

It helps if you remember that everyone is doing their best from their level of consciousness.

The sight of the bare katana inspires everyone to a practically Nipponese level of politeness

I've noticed in England once people reach a certain level they feel they have to get married.

I didn't go to university. Didn't even finish A-levels. But I have sympathy for those who did.

There are people who take fashion at different levels, but personally, I'm just a kid with it.

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