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A leader without a vision is just a letter without a stamp; it can never reach his destination.
Have you ever written a letter you knew you could never mail but you needed to write it anyway?
It seems to me that if there were any logic to our language, trust would be a four letter word.
I still do get all these letters from people saying they are not pronouncing my name correctly!
letters are not the first, but the last step in the progression from barbarism to civilisation.
The art of art, the glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters, is simplicity.
For the sake of brevity, we will always represent this number 2.718281828459... by the letter e.
I am a painter with letters. I want to restore everything, mix everything up and say everything.
Temple was a man of the world amongst men of letters, a man of letters amongst men of the world.
Inspiration comes from the heart. The letter ‘I’ is the heart of F”I”RST… (F Inspiration R S T).
It's a lot easier to stay idealistic if you don't sign two to five next-of-kin letters every day.
Capital Letters Were Always The Best Way Of Dealing With Things You Didn't Have A Good Answer To.
My most cherished possessions are my grandma's letters and my vintage Martha Washington cookbook.
I have been surrounded by love letters you two have built each other for years, encased in tents.
If the truth were to be known, everyone would be wearing a scarlet letter of one form or another.
There are now about as many different varieties of letters as there are different kinds of fools.
In 'Letters from Iwo Jima,' there were times when I told Eastwood, 'This is just not believable.'
I love writing letters. In order to write a novel in first person, I think I needed an addressee.
A great typeface is not a collection of beautiful letters, but a beautiful collection of letters.
Feedback is a pleasant thing. I get a lot of letters from unexpected people in unexpected places.
You must not suppose, because I am a man of letters, that I never tried to earn an honest living.
To read, write, and converse in due proportions, is, therefore, the business of a man of letters.
He removed his unvaluable valuables and dumped his shirt, pants, and skivvies into a letter slot.
I was so pleased and excited by your letter that I trotted about all day like a puppy with a bone.
I became a connoisseur of that nasty thud a manuscript makes when it comes through the letter box.
There are people who would rather choke than go see my movies. They write me letters all the time.
I have no personal system of philosophy. I never attempt to do that. I am merely a man of letters.
My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.
I like talking to myself and making patterns out of the letters of the alphabet on blank surfaces.
I've always believed that dreams were both the love letters and the hate mail of the subconscious.
How might letters be most efficiently copied so that the blind might read them with their fingers?
This is a free country. Folks have a right to send me letters, and I have a right not to read them.
If you want to read a letter from the Buddha's world, it is necessary to understand Buddha's world.
The ten most powerful two-letter words in the English language are: If it is to be, it is up to me.
I love the written word; I love when someone takes the time or leaves you a note or sends a letter.
I get letters and messages on Twitter saying I've become a bit of a role model, which is wonderful.
The calligraphic letter is not entirely a letter, but something that sits between writing and music
When I pass my name in such large letters I blush, but at the same time instinctively raise my hat.
As I grow old I hate the writing of letters more and more, and like getting them better and better.
When one is writing a letter, he should think that the recipient will make it into a hanging scroll.
There is no letter of the law to follow in Zen. There is a lot of etiquette, but there are no rules.
For 'tis sweet to stammer one letter Of the Eternal's language; - on earth it is called Forgiveness!
Nothing is more vulgar than a careful avoidance of beginning a letter with the first person singular.
More and more I feel like a letter—deposited here, collected there. But a letter addressed to no one.
Don't fear anything for your letters, they are burnt one by one and I hope you do the same with mine.
The love of letters is the forlorn hope of the man of letters. His ruling passion is the love of fame.
As a boy, I used to marvel that the letters in a closed book did not get scrambled and lost overnight.
Five letters here just for everybody out there in Packer-land: R-E-L-A-X, Relax. We're going to be OK.
Nature is a book, a letter, a fairy tale (in the philosophical sense) or whatever you want to call it.