I feel like if I get my legs under me, strengthen my legs up a lot more I'll be able to get out there and face the challenges of a 3.

We have a dance in bounce music called 'exercising' where you just open your legs and shake your butt a little bit from side to side.

Kevin Muscat scared me. You know, people would say 'I'm going to break your legs' - when he would say it, you genuinely believed him.

I still find it strange, I suppose, when I say to someone, 'Can you just pass me my leg?' But I don't ever think about my disability.

I was always a secretary in the early days, before we decided we were brave enough to join Equity and see if this thing has any legs.

I'm really good in pain. I snapped my leg in half on stage and played a whole show. But I can't sit there with someone that loves me.

As an actor, I'm always so excited about those things that I get to stretch my legs and really get to do something that's hard to do.

In the post-Warhol era a single gesture such as uncrossing one's legs will have more significance than all the pages in War and Peace.

You want to be as successful as possible. You wanna have the strongest legs to stand on as possible for every album that you're doing.

A woman on a Southwest Airlines flight gave birth to a baby. As soon as he was born, the baby said, 'I had more leg room in the womb.'

One of my thoughts on the back nine was 'I don't know how Tiger has won 14 of these things,' I couldn't feel my legs on the back nine.

I used to trip over my legs and get detention for my too-short shorts because none fit. I still trip, but now I like to show them off.

They kept me in short pants as long as they could, until they were shaving the hair on my legs because it was beginning to photograph.

I think people are going to be surprised at how long my legs are compared to my torso, and my arms as well - I am a very lanky fellow.

I like a woman who has a vocabulary larger than 'shoes' and 'handbags.' But a nice pair of legs to go in the shoes is always good, too.

The tattoos on my legs started because they didn't let me get tattoos on my upper body at work. They would never clear me for anything.

Self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs are to a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness.

Selling is a person-to-person business. You cannot send the sales manual out to make the sale. Sales manuals have no legs and no voice.

I look like if AJ Styles and Conrad Thompson had a child. But the child didn't grow full arms or legs; he just grew out from the belly.

I won't wear fur-never, ever. I'm an animal lover. I wouldn't even wear faux fur. I prefer to go the cheap route and not shave my legs.

Babies have big heads and big eyes, and tiny little bodies with tiny little arms and legs. So did the aliens at Roswell! I rest my case.

I've never had surgery. I don't drink. I don't go out. My shoulders, back, legs, hip, they're all fine. I think I bring a lot to a team.

I shave my legs twice a week. It's hard the first time you do it. But I'm very lazy. For a team photo in December I just did the fronts.

Size has nothing to do with literature. All legs are long enough to touch the ground, and all books are big enough to fill their covers.

At 60, the mind was sharp but the body complained. The legs were willing to make all the right moves but the muscles gave out too early.

I like so much wearing heels, legs look so much better, everything looks better. But it's only recently I've had the courage to do that.

I do love shoes that make my legs longer. I have the upper body of someone who's 5ft 8in, so high heels help me even out the discrepancy.

He [the cat] wound himself around her legs, purring the purr of ardent desire like a kettle coming to a boil and then bubbling very fast.

If men wanted to look good in a skirt, they would need the body of an African. And the colour. A skirt with white, skinny legs. Horrible!

Something I've been starting to use almost every day is a blood flow restriction system for my legs. It's good for recovery and strength.

There's no difference if you're a supermodel or if you've lost both your legs. What are you doing that's beautiful or ugly on the inside?

I do a lot of body weight stuff, power work, with your legs as well. There are weights involved now and again. There is a bit of mixture.

The legs that I have made are far more perfect than the ones nature would have given me - my mother's side of the family have awful legs.

We're going in really fresh. We're going to have fresh legs and bodies, we're going to be able to stay the distance, and that's our goal.

I won't wear fur - never, ever. I'm an animal lover. I wouldn't even wear faux fur. I prefer to go the cheap route and not shave my legs.

I was a chubby boy. My pants used to wear out in the middle, and it was because my legs used to rub together. I wasn't obese, just chunky.

You cannot make a man by standing a sheep on its hind-legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position you can make a crowd of men.

Invention, using the term most broadly, and imitation, are the two legs, so to call them, on which the human race historically has walked.

I have a secret sibling that I never knew existed and who was given up for adoption at birth by my parents, and she was born without legs.

If a waiter or waitress tells me when gratuity is included they automatically get more gratuity. When they hide it I go with the leg kick.

I finally had what I'd wantes all those years. Except now that I had it, i felt as empty as this unkempt pool I was dangling my legs into.

As a matter of fact I could beat you two with both my arms and my legs tied. I'll roll down this ramp and score myself a 7-10 idiot split!

That's the thing: You'll lose your legs, your athleticism, but if you can shoot - definitely from 3 - you can play into your high thirties.

Women are all the same; we want to be smaller in the waist, longer legs, slimmer. I design for women and their defects, to make them better.

Writing is the only profession where nobody considers you ridiculous if you earn no money. Money is like an arm or a leg; use it or lose it.

I think this show can have legs for a long time. That's why it's called 'Beverly Hills 90210' instead of something like 'West Beverly High.'

With one more talent one frequently stands with greater instability than with one less, as a table stands better on three legs than on four.

I had strong legs that would have made me a good sumo wrestler and I used that to my advantage, but my home runs were achieved by technique.

We teach girls shame; close your legs, cover yourself, we make them feel as though by being born female they're already guilty of something.

I have a strong hips and groin. It's the leg speed, the way I approach the ball. My first step is not very hard, but my second is explosive.

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