Memorial Service: Farewell party for someone who already left.

What of soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?

In the world of diplomacy, some things are better left unsaid.

I left home when I was 16 because I was looking for adventure.

We are losing privacy at an alarming rate - we have none left. should never turn to one's left when facing the nagual.

I like my music with the rinds and the seeds and pulp left in.

If I only had two dollars left I would spend one dollar on PR.

Word I was in my life alone, / Word I had no one left but God.

Blues and jazz pulled me away from what was left of my family.

The only question left to be settled now is: Are women persons?

I died on that mountain, too. I left a part of myself up there.

Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.

I love classical music. It has left a major mark on my playing.

Some things are too important to be left to the private sector.

Good-night, my-" He stopped, bit his lip, and abruptly left me.

I am neither left wing nor right wing. I am middle-of-the-bird.

When I left prison, I had to figure out how to embrace my past.

The words you'll most regret Are the ones that are left unsaid.

Sometimes there is only one thing left to say, P. S. I Love You.

It's not what you have lost, but what you have left that counts.

Only he knew that to be left alone is not always to be forsaken.

If I negate powdered wigs, I am still left with unpowdered wigs.

It's not how many years you've lived, it's how they've left you.

A wing or a thigh? Ah, I'm afraid we don't have any thighs left.

Music is my God, and it is the only love that has never left me.

Neither left nor right has focused adequately on maternal health

I'm right-handed, whereas the fellow in my mirror is left-handed

Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left.

Regardless of how much is left in the tank, you gotta fight back!

Left to my own devices I'd get up at midday every day of my life.

Dr. David Livingstone left the Island of Zanzibar in March, 1866.

Death is only a tragedy when life's purpose was left unfulfilled.

I was born in Singapore, but I left at four so memories are hazy.

I've never left music behind, but I've had success in television.

I've been beaten, I've been bruised, I was left for dead as well.

My parents have left a legacy in our family of service to others.

I've always felt that specialization is best left to the insects.

The magic never worked! The only thing we’re left with is regret.

Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.

To the critical intelligence, nothing is left of absolute reality.

Left to themselves, people will elaborate, not simplify solutions.

Back then, I couldn't have left a poem a year and gone back to it.

I have decided that whatever time I may have left is left for Him.

There should be a left leg and a right leg. And I'll be in between

I don't see the world as something divided between right and left.

So you just...left?' Zach huffed. 'All the cool kids are doing it.

I left Colombia because Univision brought me to the United States.

I left for Petersburg in August, 1871 and stayed there until 1879.

When you have nothing left to burn, you must set yourself on fire.

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