When a man but half forgives his enemy, it is like leaving a bag of rusty nails to interpose between them.

It's great to have the freedom to enjoy your work and not feel like you're leaving your other life behind.

Peeling off my skin / leaving just my eyes behind / You see inside my head / Still know that you are mine.

Leaving stage with a bloody scalp, it's rock & roll, I guess, but I want some hair at the end of the tour.

When you allow yourself to really think about the future and the legacy you're leaving, you become gentler.

We?" I asked. Of course. I'm not leaving you alone on this, no matter what. You know I'd never abandon you.

It was the best job I ever had. I just left because my whole team was leaving and the new guys were coming.

You're so good at helping everybody else, I think you're in danger of leaving yourself out of your own life.

The greatest gift you can give someone is the space to be his or herself, without the threat of you leaving.

A DEFINITION NOT FOUND IN THE DICTIONARY Not leaving: an act of trust and love, often deciphered by children

With feelings of gratitude for all that is good in this world, I put down my pen. Well, I'll be leaving now.

For we lose not only by death, but also by leaving and being left, by changing and letting go and moving on.

Leaving the E.U. without a preferential trade arrangement in place would make the U.K. significantly poorer.

Remember, when something leaves your life, God is making room for something much better to enter! Get ready!

I worked as a trainee manager for two years after leaving university - then got bored with the nine to five.

I jerk off inside books, and give life to words, leaving concepts stuck together you've probably never heard

I'm fond of implied narratives, oblique angles, and leaving a little room for the viewer to finish a picture.

When I make films, I'm very conscious about leaving space for an uncertainty, and for some unexpected things.

The tragedy of 9/11 galvanised the American superpower into action, leaving us in Europe divided in its wake.

On stage, you have to hype yourself for two hours. It takes up a lot of energy, leaving me totally exhausted.

I watched myself put my paw in the bear trap on that one because there was this clause about leaving members.

Fighting for social justice is not about leaving the mainstream. It is about being right in the middle of it.

Often I think writing is a sheer paring away of oneself leaving always something thinner, barer, more meagre.

A state of true and universal tolerance is best ensured by leaving alone the peculiarities of men and peoples.

After a bath, I like to use Jo Wood Organics Usiku Body Oil. It mositurises my skin without leaving it greasy.

We were the victims of the new producer but what annoyed me was they told the press we were leaving before us.

In our society leaving baby with Daddy is just one step above leaving the kids to be raised by wolves or apes.

Each day, each noise I gather explodes, leaving me to death; to rest in the solace of silence & to be re-born.

Once someone gets a little escape velocity going, ain't no play in the world that will keep them from leaving.

I had started at a small startup as a big-company guy. Now I was leaving a big company as a small-startup guy.

There is nothing better than leaving a salon with freshly cut hair, swishing it about proudly all the way home.

He looked at her. "I will miss you, Montana. For the first time in my life, I'll regret leaving someone behind.

Real choice is clear information and the right to walk away from a bad deal without leaving your wallet behind.

It has been said that the only reason for leaving England is to give yourself the pleasure of coming back to it.

I hate the stress of leaving. Even though I have everything I need, I always feel like I'm forgetting something.

We're always going to party and have fun. We'll always be pushing it and leaving you with something to remember.

When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.

Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.

Around the holidays, or anytime I'm going on vacation, I try to bump up my cardio or lose a pound before leaving.

I want to try making things right because picking up the pieces is way better than leaving them the way they are.

I think it's often discussed that leaving the Euro is an option for Greece. I think this is really not an option.

I am leaving the town to the invaders: increasingly numerous, mediocre, dirty, badly behaved, shameless tourists.

If at the end of the season I'm leaving the club, you have the right to come to me and say: 'Jose, you are a liar'

I love the Latin neighborhoods in Los Angeles. It's like traveling all over Latin America without ever leaving LA.

Science fiction made me aware of how big and strange the universe was, leaving aside the whole question of aliens.

There is no common sense in going to the field to fight and leaving a man at home to undo all that you accomplish.

The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving.

One of the main reasons I don't like leaving the house is because I might find myself face to face with a Canadian.

It is clear that the radical left has taken over the Democratic Party, leaving behind the party of John F. Kennedy.

In my early 20s, living in a communist regime in Romania, success to me simply meant leaving and coming to America.

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