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I learnt a blend of different martial arts - not in great depth, obviously - but various moves such as kicks, blocks and punches. It was all quite fun.
At a young age, I was interested in comic books, which was really how I learnt to read. The name Cage came from a comic book character called Power Man.
In the past, when we toured countries like Australia or South Africa, we struggled, but we also got to learn a lot, and we learnt to cope with pressure.
It is good to know what a man is, and also what the world takes him for. But you do not understand him until you have learnt how he understands himself.
I learnt early that always being analytical is important for a business. Being analytical as an attitude is more important than just having the aptitude.
Since the middle of the 20th century, more has been learnt about the ocean than during all preceding human history; at the same time, more has been lost.
Suffering is a corrective to point out a lesson which by other means we have failed to grasp, and never can it be eradicated until that lesson is learnt.
I adore the incredibly tight clothing! My own wardobe's changed - I've streamlined a little bit and definitely learnt from Joan's sleekiness and tailoring.
You know, a balance-sheet is like a bikini, it shows more but it hides what is vital. I learnt to read a balance sheet and then I got fascinated by stocks.
My mother had an incredibly strong accent - although I couldn't hear it - and she was the main person there, so I'll have learnt to speak English from her.
What I have learnt is that it is important to pursue your passion more than your legacy; if you have a passion with a purpose, then everything else fits in.
I learnt to drive at around eleven years old. In an old jeep on a field in Colorado. There were lots of ditches. I could barely see over the steering wheel.
So I learnt a few country western songs, I bought a chord book, and right away I started writing my own stuff, which nobody else did that, I don't know why.
It sounds like a cliche but I also learnt that you're not going to fall for the right person until you really love yourself and feel good about how you are.
The first martial art my son learnt aged around ten was jiu-jitsu so he can already wrestle. I'd have no concerns about Christopher boxing someone from MMA.
It's going to be hard to ever have a horse to replace Valegro. He is a professor. I think he read the dressage book and learnt it all before he ever did it.
When we were working on 'River Ota' in the '90s, I learnt to read Japanese, which was how I discovered that it incorporates elements of Chinese calligraphy.
I like to learn from everyone I perform with. I have learnt a lot from Paritosh Tripathi, my co-anchor on 'Super Dancer,' and also my good friend Ravi Dubey.
You're not human if you don't feel fear. But I've learnt to treat fear as an emotion that sharpens me. It's there to give me that edge for what I have to do.
Bad things written about me do bother me and affect me, but then I have learnt to take it in my stride. I have also learnt to keep quiet about certain things.
The challenge of directing and interviewing helped me with confidence, and I learnt so much. If I hadn't had the brain hemorrhage, I might never have done it.
Like every actress, I, too, had movies that got stuck, but I have learnt to always look at the best in every situation and to give my best to every situation.
I think laptops should be banned from schools. Until you can prove you can add up on your fingers or think independently in your head, you have learnt nothing.
Mythology and history are my passion. I grew up in a religious family and learnt about our scriptures and philosophies. It's the language I'm comfortable with.
What I've learnt is that being a midwife is not a job about cute babies. And as a maternity care assistant there's a lot of cleaning involved. It's a vocation.
I worked in a software company in Bangalore and made short films during weekends. I learnt the basics during a one-day workshop called Film Camp Sanjay Nambiar.
I've learnt a lot over the years, but I'm still quite outspoken. And no matter how much media training you put me through, I don't think I could be anything but.
I've learnt some important lessons: I never rely on the opinion of one doctor alone. I do my own research; I read up and am ready with questions I need answered.
I used to be very shy, and when I joined Satyanand sir's acting school, I used to be afraid to talk in front of everyone. But I learnt so much from Satyanand sir.
When I worked with wildlife a lot in the Eighties and Nineties, I learnt the meaning of patience. And when I worked with trees, I learned the meaning of humility.
The food wasn't very good in the first kitchen I ever worked in. But it was very busy, so I learnt to be fast, absorb pressure, use a knife, and say, 'Yes, chef.'
I learnt to manage my own money, a quality which I am working on since a long while now. I invest most of my money in myself either in learning and/or travelling.
You evolve with each and every film you do. In every film that I did, I learnt something or the other, and I am constantly learning and hopefully becoming better.
Now I am also friendly with people who are not so nice to me. From what I've learnt, it's nice to be friendly. It's nice to make people feel good about themselves.
Now, I think you'll find a lot of rappers and artists are getting girl managers. It just makes sense. The guys in my team have learnt a lot from bringing girls in.
You know what else I've learnt? That it's all right not to ride the crest of the wave. Every time a wave comes along I retreat, and I haven't come to any harm yet.
I turned into a monk when my mother went to learn Buddhism in Burma. While she learnt at the monastery, I used to roam around with a begging bowl and ask for food.
I have made an honest attempt in 'Drohi.' Thanks to the support from the producer Mano Akkineni and the lessons I learnt from Mani sir, the film has come out well.
I think I have learnt more about business from fighting than anything else - from any book, from any, like - fighting is an incredible megastore for doing business.
I always used to want everyone to like me, because it used to hurt so much when people made snidey comments or gave me bad reviews, but I've learnt to deal with it.
You know, one of the things I've learnt since coming out of office is how much easier it is to give the advice than take the decision. I mean, you know, it's tough.
I had an arranged marriage, and learnt you have to persevere and remember we are all human and all have faults. Obviously my husband Abdal has more faults than I do!
I had one companion. He was a teacher from the Ukraine who spoke English so we could communicate a bit. I learnt a few Russian words, but it was hard to concentrate.
When I was actively working, I had more than my share of limelight. But over the last many years I have been leading a quiet life and I've learnt to value my privacy.
I learnt in South America and in Africa that people who have really big problems in the ghetto always keep a sense of humour and remain positive. If not, you go down.
I got a lot out of 'Brothers & Sisters' and learnt some incredible things and I think it certainly had come to a natural ending, so it was definitely time to move on.
I live without regrets. There are certain things I have done, mistakes that I made, that I would change, but I don't regret them at all, because I've learnt from them.
Leaving things behind and starting again is a way of coping with difficulties. I learnt very early in my life that I was able to leave a place and still remain myself.
My father used to say that you haven't learnt anything about politics unless you've been out of power for at least 10 years. That's why I am certain I am here to stay.
My English is improving because I learnt it in one year at Leicester, before it was just in school and on holiday, but I have to learn more, I don't understand it all.