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As I progressed in the firm, I learnt the craft, and as I learnt my craft, my partners and the firm threw up different opportunities.
People keep asking me where I learnt acting. And I say that there is no special school for acting or drama where you can go and learn.
The lesson I have thoroughly learnt, and wish to pass on to others, is to know the enduring happiness that the love of a garden gives.
As a partner, I have learnt so much from Payal Rohatgi. She has taught me the ways of this society and given me unconditional support.
I was there when Gordon Brown basically was taking over - so right in the middle of that transition. It was fantastic; I learnt a lot.
I have learnt to deal with the box office result. Whatever happened to any film, thankfully, people always appreciated my performance.
I am an entrepreneur, but not in the conventional sense. I have learnt business as time passed, but I do not have a B-school education.
I have worked hard and learnt that I have to make a decision - whether I am going to conform and protect myself or not. I chose not to.
As foreign minister of Norway, I learnt how natural changes provoked by climate change are creating new sources of political instability.
The one thing I learnt going to Italy was there's no real change in how the game should be played, but how players look after themselves.
I can fix dishwashers. I was brought up in a castle with no money and lots of imagination. I learnt a lot about plumbing at an early age.
I learnt to sing in Bengali, my mother tongue, then went on to sing in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati and every possible Indian language.
My father was in the army, and there wasn't too much money. Yet, we learnt to enjoy the small pleasures of life, to look at the positives.
When I was about 15, I learnt that training hard doesn't get easier, you just learn to push harder. That's a powerful mentality to master.
As actors, we put in our best, but when people don't like a film, you have to learn to deal with it. I've learnt not to get too emotional.
I've learnt new scales through playing different types of music, like Indian raga scales, gipsy scales and harmonically-based jazz scales.
I always learnt that to play well, you have to train hard, so every time I go on the training pitch, I try to give my best and to improve.
I am very opinionated and sometimes a very irritating character but, I have learnt that the quest to learn is a journey, not a destination.
The Tamil audience has accepted me and given me a place to establish myself. I'm not taking things for granted... I've learnt the language.
When I look back at my career and my life and how much I have learnt, I feel blessed with what I have. I have stopped fighting with myself.
I've learnt that what you need to do is have standards that are agreed nationally and then allow people locally to work out what they need.
I learned what it is to lead - and above all learnt that leadership is more about being strong on the inside than being loud on the outside.
Millwall is where I learnt my trade, and it was the most important learning period of my life - my apprenticeship in understanding football.
I believe the reason for my early independence is sport, through which I learnt at an early stage to take care of myself and be disciplined.
I am lucky to have got the character of Twinkle to make my debut. I not only learnt so much playing the role, but it also gave me popularity.
I respect Test cricket a lot. Once I got into the Test team, I learnt so much about international cricket and realised it's not so different.
I was never carried away by success and have learnt from the failures. Satisfaction is what I crave for; fame and wealth are just by-products.
The biggest lesson that I've learnt is that things can change so quickly, never get used to one thing because everything can flip on it's head.
My sons are my friends, too, and they have introduced me to new technology and new sounds from around the world. I have learnt a lot from them.
I have learnt that I am me, that I can do the things that, as one might put it, me can do, but I cannot do the things that me would like to do.
If my son enters politics, I will be able to guide him. He too would have learnt a lot from watching me, so he is less likely to make mistakes.
I did many stupid things. I made many mistakes, but I learnt from everything. I still make mistakes; I still learn from them. Nobody is perfect.
Over the years, I've had to learn how to deal with people who refuse to take me seriously. That's where I learnt the blunt side of my character.
There certainly does seem a possibility that the detective story will come to an end, simply because the public will have learnt all the tricks.
I can cook because my life depended on it when I lived in Thailand. Either I learnt cooking, or I learnt how it felt to starve. I chose cooking.
When I was younger, if I got into arguments, I'd become aggressive and violent, but I learnt the hard way that was only going to end negatively.
I learnt that if I want to make any difference, or changes to my world, then I've got to be involved. We need passion - that's how things change.
One thing I learnt was that you don't have to spend all day shooting: you can get it done in half an hour if you're that talented as a cameraman.
Every game means something, the supporters are fantastic, and since I've come to Palace, I've learnt to fight as a team and for the three points.
But I like Harry Kane's robustness and where Harry Kane's come from as well. He dropped down into the lower leagues and learnt his trade on loan.
Romanticism is not just about being in a fixed state of endless beauty, because you can't live like that or live on that, that's what I've learnt.
I'm one of these people who tries to look for the good in people, but I've learnt that, actually, no, some people fundamentally just are not nice.
The greatest shoemaker in England for many, many decades; he used to be the royal shoe-maker for the Queen Mother. This is where I learnt my trade.
It was only in 'Khadgam' that I learnt to project myself and carry off an image of a celebrity, which is very different from what I am in real life.
I'm a total technophobe. What is wrong with paper and pen? I was delighted when I learnt the word 'Luddite,' as I thought it described me perfectly.
My children are, without question, the most wonderful thing. I've learnt more about myself through my children than any other experience in my life.
Military nurses have worked alongside their NHS colleagues across the United Kingdom, using the skills learnt in conflict in the battle against COVID.
I have been waiting for a film like 'Maximum.' I have learnt so many things while shooting this film. The entire cast has been a pleasure to work with.
I've learnt something from every failure. The products I helped design at the first two companies I worked for were utter failures. But now I know why.
My advice to anyone adapting a novel is that once they've read it and learnt to understand it, then they must throw it away and never look at it again!