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I learnt one thing in the past or in my life: the only person you can change is yourself, and it has to come from within.
Ever since I was introduced to Ekta Kapoor, I have learnt a great deal from her storytelling, and the learning continues.
I turned off my Google alerts in 2009 as I learnt that following yourself on the Internet very quickly becomes unhealthy.
Later in life, I learnt that in order to deal with people, one has to be gentle and give them respect. That always works.
The Chinese government learnt how to manage the Internet from Western developed countries; we have not learnt enough yet.
I've learnt that from stand-up - you should always worry that it's going to go badly, otherwise you're too laissez faire.
The older I've got, the easier I've found it to accept myself. I think I've finally learnt not to beat myself up so much.
I can't eat before I go onstage because I've learnt that burping on stage isn't a good thing. It's all about acid reflux.
Security is a complicated idea and one with an immense potential to trap us - that was one lesson I learnt from my father.
My husband comes from a traditional Gujarati family, and loved his food. I learnt to make dal-dhokli, undhiyu and khandvi.
I've learnt how to develop routines. To play with each bit. To enjoy expanding on it. To get used to the stage being mine.
I think sometimes I have been drawn into trying to be too aggressive too early. I have learnt that I can give myself time.
Compared to boxing, acting is more difficult. I have learnt martial arts and boxing since childhood. So, they were easier.
In Italy I have learnt a lot, I have matured both as a man and as a player. I have lived the best years of my career here.
What I have learnt from my time at Barcelona is the invisible work that goes on off the pitch. It's about the fine details.
As an individual, I've learnt a lot about life - some things that proved to be helpful and some things I wish I never knew.
I could lie and say my wife cooks for me, but she doesn't. My wife has never learnt cooking but she has great cooks at home.
The more history I learnt, the less interested I got in winning arguments and the more interested in establishing the truth.
I did a whole lot of work before taking up my first movie. From TV commercials to Telugu films, I learnt a lot from them all.
My mother's brother is a very good singer. My grandfather took up classical singing lessons and learnt to play the harmonium.
I love playing the piano. I have one in my apartment, and I learnt by ear. I sing a lot of Coldplay, but do my own stuff too.
I wanted to try everything. I learnt a lot from playback singing. But at heart, I'm a pop rock singer; I'm a stage performer.
After completing 'Aadum Koothu,' I was assigned to act with Cheran again for 'Mayakkannadi.' I learnt a lot working with him.
I learnt so much at Coventry - I was playing as a regular at 17, most weeks. And that's something that left me in good stead.
I learnt a lot from a psychological point of view about having to move on and flush things and not live on previous mistakes.
I made many mistakes and I also learnt a lot of lessons. Whatever I picked up from my mistakes is helping me a lot ever since.
From Mahmud Ghazni to Ahmed Shah Abdali, Punjab was hit by marauders so many times that we have learnt to laugh even at death.
What's helped me is my childhood, my tough upbringing. I learnt a lot from that; it helps with any problems I might encounter.
I am not trained to be a director or an actor. I have learnt everything by watching other people work and studying their work.
If there is no music, I will perish. While I have not learnt music, I can play the tune that comes into my head on the keyboard.
I learnt a lot from the directors with whom I have worked like Sudhir Mishra in 'Daas Dev,' Prawaal Raman in 'Main Aur Charles.'
I learnt to always keep my mind open to new ideas and looked at each new assignment as an opportunity to learn and prove myself.
I have learnt a lot about the challenges children face - poverty, inequality and their difficulties in accessing basic services.
I learnt about being physically fit, captaincy, and the things that really matter when it comes to being a leader and a batsman.
I learnt pity, sympathy, and what it was like to be at the other end of the stick. Such lessons can't be learnt in lecture halls.
I've learnt that it's possible to be as anonymous as you want. It's a choice, and I've become very, very good at being anonymous.
In my view, Asian countries have learnt the lessons from the past and significantly enhanced their capabilities to fend off risks.
I'm about growth for myself. So if I've made a lot of mistakes, and I haven't learnt from them, then I've failed as a human being.
I had learnt horse riding while shooting for a Bengali film earlier and was trained in sword fighting on the set of 'Manikarnika'.
I have delivered sometimes, and the other times, I have not. I have taken it in my stride as a player and learnt from my mistakes.
I've learnt that the world over, everyone's essentially the same. We are all trying to have a nice time and get along with things.
I've learnt so much from playing football: I love football, and that's what I do. I enjoy myself, and I'm just trying to be happy.
I learnt to relax a little more and enjoy the process, which is something I didn't do in my first movie - understandably, I guess.
I've always had this fear in me. What would life be like if I wasn't Number 1 on television? But I've learnt to overcome that fear.
I think it is just a function of the fact that I moved around so much as a child that I learnt early on to make every place my home.
I've certainly learnt there's nothing more important than cash - cash flow issues are one of the biggest causes of company failures.
I am not a trained singer, but I used to sing for my father's theatre troupe and that's where I learnt the ropes of pitch and rhythm.
My sister has always been very supportive; she has stood by my decisions and also helps me choose wisely. I've learnt a lot from her.
I have learnt not to ignore instincts. While making a film, when your gut feels that you are going wrong, please take that seriously.
I learnt to stop fantasising about the perfect job or the perfect relationship because that can actually be an excuse for not living.