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I learnt not to be desperate in bad times and am learning not to be bullish when times are good.
Salzburg improved me as a player, and I learnt so much there. I got a really tactical education.
I've learnt that you are who you are, and in the end, if you don't believe it, then no one will.
I have learnt that patience is important: patience when you bowl and also in how you handle life.
Over the years, I've learnt from co-actors, directors, technicians, and even from junior artists.
Once we receive education, we should be grateful for it, respect it, and remember what we learnt.
I used to be a bit of a show-off at school, but I've calmed down now and learnt to censor myself.
My father was very much a handy person round the house, and I learnt a lot of carpentry from him.
Normally, if I've got an audition, I'm punctual, I've learnt my lines, and I'll go looking smart.
The only thing that makes sense to me that I've learnt over the years is knocking tunes together.
I've learnt so much over time and with the experience that I've gained. You can't please everyone.
My parents always told me to choose my friends very carefully and I learnt to live by that advice.
The rules are learnt in order to be broken, but if you don't know them, then something is missing.
I learnt tennis, swimming, basketball and several others, but the sport I loved the most was golf.
I don't know if I've become a better actor or a more sensitive one. But I've learnt what not to do.
You never know why a film gets accepted and why it doesn't. I have learnt to just go with the flow.
I learnt to read when I was five, and I think that is the most important thing that happened to me.
I started work at 13, had three or four part-time jobs, and learnt very quickly the values of work.
I believe failures are very important in any person's growth. I've learnt what not to do from them.
I've learnt to not look that deeply into what people say as it's mostly a reflection of themselves.
Initially, I was into dance and learnt Bharatnatyam for eight years. I appeared on various TV shows.
I have learnt that gardens are like happiness: you cannot pursue them as an absolute thing or moment.
I have made a living off the way I look, and I have really learnt to accept myself for being unusual.
When I got to Ferrari I learnt to be less aggressive, and how to set up the car for my driving style.
Flying my own small plane is my escape. I learnt to fly in 2006 and share ownership of a Socata TB10.
I have learnt from experience that being insecure never helps, and neither does pulling anyone's leg.
To be very honest, I owe it all to TV, it has made me what I am today. I've learnt the craft from it.
Exactly the same with dancing, you can't dance until you've learnt steps, the things your feet can do.
For 'Manikarnika', I've learnt horse riding and sword fighting, so I have gone out of my comfort zone.
I learnt more about politics during one South Dakota dust storm than in seven years at the university.
The way I learnt to play was to go out there and enjoy myself. I never thought I'd play professionally.
I learnt early to have little expectation so I protected myself from ever feeling greatly disappointed.
If I failed in acting, I wanted to have a backup, thus I chose architecture. I learnt painting as well.
In Canada, good waitresses are tipped well. I learnt that the harder you work, the more money you make.
While I was playing football in the U.S., I learnt to play the guitar, and I'm picking it up again now.
Yes I got into things with girls who only liked me because of who I was. But I learnt my lesson quickly.
You bring your strength to the game - that's what I've learnt, and that's what I try to bring to England.
I have learnt that life is full of ups and downs. And even though I've had rough times, I can't complain.
My parents keep me grounded. I've spent a lot of time on my own in my life, and I've learnt the hard way.
I learnt a lot in Germany, and the German mentality really helped me. It was an enormous step in my life.
When films looked a little difficult I did two TV shows and learnt a lot. I even did modelling in between.
I feel I have learnt a lot on the sets of 'Beyond The Clouds,' and it will be a life-long learning for me.
I'm a bit dyslexic so I found learning to read hard. I muddled up the letters but learnt to power through.
If I am able to pass on what I've learnt in my life, that's really wonderful, especially after losing Dad.
I started off doing live TV, so I kind of learnt that if I get myself into trouble, I get myself out of it.
I don't read books. I like to read newspapers and magazines, but I've never learnt to enjoy books or novels.
Song-writing in general, and vocally I've learnt a lot about myself. I want to get better and keep learning.
I've learnt the best way to put on the fragrance is by spraying it and walking into it so it's all over you.
When I look back, there isn't a single film that I would disown becaus,e with every film, I've learnt a lot.
I learnt the theory of movement, which I still teach sometimes. I was very, very ambitious to learn a skill.