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Art has to be incredibly layered. Symbols, signifiers... layers that relate. Combine signifiers with more abstract notions. Push! Vary lines.
The desert is an ideal illusion of a blank slate - so much mystery in endless layers is hidden underneath its bright, pseudo-sterile surface.
To catch a piece of life on camera and make it come alive, add layers to it and deliver a product that is wholesome is really exciting to me.
Representation means having characters with layers, showing them as human beings, so we can relate or have mixed emotions for that character.
The game is not set. There are so many layers that it is being perceived on. As your own consciousness becomes more refined, the game changes.
My poems are more my silence than my speech. Just as music is a kind of quiet. Sounds are needed only to unveil the various layers of silence.
As a child, I'd always liked cowboys and Indians stories where there were two layers - gruesome in the foreground but funny in the background.
I like the fact that a modern television and modern drama on cable has characters that are really intricate and deep and have multiple layers.
I have always loved really dense, complicated stories with lots of layers, tons of obscure literary references, and a plethora of inside jokes.
I don't understand how everything changes, how the layers of your life get buried. Impossible. At some point, at some time, we must all explode.
A classic is like a hidden treasure. Its core is buried under so many layers of varnish that it can be reached only by patience and infiltration.
I don't think I'm an unhappy person. It's just an intensity, not a depressive thing. It's just not having enough layers of skin. It's exhausting.
We do not have a functioning market in the true sense of the word in health care. That's a layer of transparency that's sorely needed in America.
I'm a proud Londoner, a Brit, European, of Pakistani heritage, a Muslim - we all have multiple layers of identity - that's what makes us who we are.
Stuffed vine leaves tend to burn and/or stick when you cook them. To avoid this, use a heavy based pan lined with a few layers of second-rate leaves.
we must continue to be open in the face of great opposition. No one is encouraging us to be open and still we must peel away the layers of the heart.
It's nice to see different dimensions of a character. A love interest and family life are always, I think, important in creating layers and textures.
If you want an application to be portable, you don't necessarily create an abstraction layer like a microkernel so much as you program intelligently.
Seabear's love of soft folk sounds is unquestionable, but that doesn't stop the Icelandic band from infusing its music with layers of instrumentation.
As you're touring there are so many layers to a live show, it has always been important for me to have a guitar that I can use live and in the studio.
It's all a compost heap. You just put down a layer of humus that helps other stuff grow. Your work will all be forgotten, but it will help stuff grow.
As you get older, you have more and more layers of experience to forgive, more layers of heartbreak, more layers of what you might think of as failure.
"You're All That" goes back to really building a life from the core of who you're. And all of those things are layers. That's just your authentic life.
Like a layer on a pearl, you can't specifically identify the irritant, the moment of the irritant, but at the end of the day, you know you have a pearl.
I hope to never stop growing. I hope that with every role I play, I keep adding layers to my craft. I love acting and I study religiously with my coach.
I don't want the viewer to be able to peel away the layers of my painting like the layers of an onion and find that all the blues are on the same level.
It is one of the most ignorant things you can do to a person, to say they're nuts or they're crazy. It diminishes the layers of who they are as a person.
As you keep pulling back the layers of how deeply rooted anti-blackness and white supremacy are in this country, it is exhausting, and it is traumatizing.
Having too many layers of approval in a dynamic battlefield environment delays our ability to fight and win, especially when troops are engaged in combat.
The Cube can seem alive as it heats up in your hand. The fact that each face of the Cube is made of three layers of three blocks has an important meaning.
I think the job of movie reviewing can be really tough. If a film has layers that need to be thought about, it's easy to get missed the first time around.
I remember watching 'The Wire,' because I absolutely adored 'The Wire,' and there were so many secret layers within that drama, and it was just fantastic.
Im a big fan of Caribbean food, Spanish food, Dominican food - like rice and beans. Hot sauce just adds a different layer of boom to the food, you feel me?
They needed to share one secret after another with a beautiful woman, to peel away layer after layer, mask after mask, and still find themselves worshiped.
Usually, characters that are doing something nefarious have some extra layers to them. The general rule is bad people don't necessarily think they are bad.
I wondered to what extent people remained the same as they'd been when very young; if one peeled back the layers of living one would come to the know child.
In so many of the other beats these days, there are these layers of public relations people that you have to go through to get to the newsmakers themselves.
I grew up on a farm. The worst-looking chickens are the best layers. The ones that are the scraggliest... those are usually the ones that are really cooking.
By Hollywood standards I'm still fat: until you are zero, you are big. I do get cold a lot now. I used to have a lot of layers - now I got to get a fur coat.
In common with many who have a brain injury, I initially lost my confidence and felt very vulnerable, as if a protective layer of skin had been stripped away.
I think that all of the scars and all of the layers that I've built over the years made me the person that I am today, and I'm pretty happy about that person.
It blows my mind - whenever you're stuck in one place, you think this is how the world is, and then you walk out and see there's so many layers to everything.
Marketing is more important than it has ever been. But I'm trying to tear the layers back and make it not so contrived. I think people just want entertainment.
Hollywood is in the perception business where you create layers to create mystery. In Silicon Valley it's about taking away the layers to get to the substance.
Everyone relates to the heroes - that's why they're the heroes. But I've realized there are just more layers to characters who have been through something dark.
I love vocals and what they can do, and the different layers they can create, and I really want to bring that into folk music in terms of arrangements and stuff.
I actuall have to defend realism in theatre because I think TV does it badly - so corrupted by layers of bureaucrats who want to leave examination or psychology.
Nobody wants to see an engagement photo with you in your ratty jeans and t-shirt. Go for layers, and you're always going to look like you made more of an effort.
In film and theater, you know the story and the journey from beginning to end, but with TV, you can keep peeling away layers and exploring a new world each week.
Having to be nice all the time is exhausting and boring, but to play someone who just has that under layer of unhappiness, you know that it comes from someplace.