The mother-in-laws themselves weren't natural jokes but most comedians used to use that.

Decency is the least of all laws, but yet it is the law which is most strictly observed.

When honor and the Law no longer stand on the same side of the line, how do we choose[?]

The laws of conscience, which we pretend to be derived from nature, proceed from Custom.

HIV brings out the best and the worst in humanity, and the laws reflect these attitudes.

Donald Trump will do what he is told is the right thing to do in complying with the law.

Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.

Newton came up with Newton's laws of motion and gravity. They worked. They were working.

Isn't that weird, we've made nature against the law. That's how un-natural we've become.

Laws or ordinances unobserved, or partially attended to, had better never have been made.

The wise know that foolish legislation is a rope of sand, which perishes in the twisting.

I admit it: I had fun watching right-wingers go wild as health reform finally became law.

My master had power and law on his side; I had a determined will. There is might in each.

Only by working within the laws that govern the flow of water will happiness be achieved.

You have undertaken to cheat me. I won't sue you, for the law is too slow. I'll ruin you.

Arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe and preserve order.

Ninety percent of the members of the Academy of German Law were not members of the Party.

Modernity has replaced ethics with legalese, and the law can be gamed with a good lawyer.

Seven hours to law, to soothing slumber seven, Ten to the world allot, and all to heaven.

The law is about you looking at yourself. The new covenant is all about you seeing Jesus.

Time changes all things; there is no reason why language should escape this universal law

I would absolutely never use the federal government to enforce the law of using marijuana

Big guy and little guy, it should make no difference. The rule of law demands neutrality.

I'd probably have been wealthier if I had stayed with law, but pretty miserable doing it.

Property does not exist because there are laws, but laws exist because there is property.

Civil disobedience is the assertion of a right which law should give but which it denies.

I stumbled into acting and just loved it. I deferred law school - and I'm still deferred.

You don't know how to love God and your neighbor unless you look to the law to define it.

I have long believed that the only way peace can be achieved is through world government.

The laws were not made so much for the direction of good men, as to circumscribe the bad.

There is no reason to believe that there is one law for families and another for nations.

Give no bounties: make equal laws: secure life and prosperity and you need not give alms.

Hillary Clinton skated because she's running for president. She clearly violated the law.

Islam understands its earthly mission to extend the law of Allah over the world by force.

The Law given from Sinai was a civil and municipal as well as a moral and religious code.

The Law of Probabilities: the more things you try, the more likely one of them will work.

One generation passeth away and another generation cometh, but the earth abideth forever.

Unless we endeavor to do good to our neighbor, through our cruelty we transgress this law

My old man claimed that the more complicated the law the more opportunity for scoundrels.

"...arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and as a matter of law, unsupportable."

If I lose, I'm going to retire from politics, practice law, and wear bright leather pants.

If the law doesn't apply equally to everybody, then you don't really have a system of law.

All moral laws are merely statements that certain kinds of actions will have good effects.

We are a nation of laws, not a nation that ignores laws if it benefits the Democrat Party.

If you want to diminish the number of abortions, you've got to change hearts and not laws.

All men have equal rights to liberty, to their property, and to the protection of the laws

When the judges shall be obliged to go armed, it will be time for the courts to be closed.

Fidelity to the law of your own being is an act of high courage flung in the face of life.

Law is often the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.

Our policemen and women are disrespected. We need law and order, but we need justice, too.

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