My grandfather can barely even hear, and Chevy Chase makes a face, and he laughs.

I know I can get laughs anywhere, in front of any crowd, if I'm given the chance.

I can tell how honest a joke is or how true a joke is by how fast the laughs come.

I can relate to anything. I once played Macbeth. I got a lot of laughs, so I quit.

To say that a humorist exaggerates to get big laughs, I don't see how that's big news.

In polite society one laughs at all the jokes, including the ones one has heard before.

Everybody laughs the same in every language because laughter is a universal connection.

Years ago I was a runway model, and I used to get laughs. I thought it was a joke anyway.

Him, who incessantly laughs in the street, you may commonly hear grumbling in his closet.

Horror movies feel like comedies when you're making them because everybody laughs so much.

I have nothing but love in my heart and everything I say is just an instrument for laughs.

I just went into this business for laughs. I guess I don't mind being an actor so much now.

I've now been in over 100 adverts for Walkers, and we've had a lot of laughs along the way.

My problem is people seem to laugh at me, but the one that laughs harder than anybody is me.

It's only fitting that a Jewish comic makes his Just for Laughs anglo debut in a church, right?

It's always impressive when talented comedians are easy laughers or generous with their laughs.

There are a lot of pretty actresses in Hollywood who try to act tough, and the audience laughs.

Zayn Malik is responsible for countless smiles, countless laughs; he's saved endless fans' lives.

People influence each other, so one screening will be filled with laughs while another is dead silent.

The Bible has no doubt had much influence in its time, but it provides very few laughs. None, in fact.

It lies in human nature that where you experience your first laughs, you also remember the age kindly.

Sure, the comedians who swear or use scatological humor can get laughs, but they're uncomfortable laughs.

Some days, the first coffee just laughs at you. It says, 'Oh, you think I'm going to wake you up? Sucker.'

I'm glad I did 'Married... with Children,' and I liked making all that money, and we all had a lot of laughs.

Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter.

No one wants to risk a million dollars on a few laughs. The big, flashy commercials are out. The soft sell is out.

I'm one of those people who laughs everything off. If I mess up, I just say, 'Ha! Totally didn't mean to do that.'

When a man laughs at his troubles he loses a great many friends. They never forgive the loss of their prerogative.

The difference between an optimist and a pessimist? An optimist laughs to forget, but a pessimist forgets to laugh.

Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to God alone; Laughs at impossibilities, And cries it shall be done.

Sometimes if you do a multi-camera comedy, often there's rules, like, 'We've got to have three main laughs per page.'

When you improvise, you work off the laughs from the audience, but when you step on stage to do standup, it's silent.

I prefer to have one gigantic laugh preceded by several smaller laughs rather than a bunch of medium laughs all along.

Trust me, the person who sings his/her heart out, laughs loud and dances like no one is watching, is the beautiful one.

There isn't a single human being who hasn't plenty to cry over, and the trick is to make the laughs outweigh the tears.

I always knew I was quite good at getting laughs. At school, I loved having a ready audience if I made a cheeky remark.

When you're a comedic actor and you're used to just getting laughs, it's kind of scary to go serious, even for a second.

I don't think there's ever an inappropriate time to laugh! I'm a curious person. So if someone laughs, I want to know why.

I am persuaded that every time a man smiles - but much more so when he laughs - it adds something to this fragment of life.

I won't do something unless I can get at least two or three good laughs out of it. If I can't, it's not gonna make the team.

'Affinity' is beautiful and intense, with no laughs. It's a rather delicate and emotional love story, with a spooky element.

I need wrong to get laughs. I need a normal world so that I can be abnormal, and that's my problem. Comedians need prejudice.

Well, shoes, bags and clutches are usually my big weaknesses - my husband always laughs when I call them 'investment pieces.'

A page a day means I need to focus on a gag a day, and that's great for laughs but bad for plot, and I'm primarily a plot guy.

If I get a hard audience they are not going to get away until they laugh. Those seven laughs a minute - I've got to have them.

Whenever I'm with my boys, we go out together, and not always to a certain party or anything. It's just always a lot of laughs.

When a man bleeds inwardly, it is a dangerous thing for himself; but when he laughs inwardly, it bodes no good to other people.

I sometimes reflect on my own life on stage and no one laughs, but you have to have faith in it and hope that people will laugh.

I'm a pretty good ventriloquist, but it's the entertainment value and the laughs that keep people sitting there and wanting more.

Everybody laughs all the time, and some of the worst things that happen make you laugh 'cause it's a defense isn't it, I suppose.

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