Just about every Latin American country has sent players to the big leagues, from the Dominican Republic to Costa Rica.

Working with the Latin language is pretty powerful. Working with a language that is not spoken vernacularly is intense.

Comrade [Rafael] Correa gets it right, most of the time. This is new, 'final' offensive of the Empire in Latin America.

Anywhere in Latin America there is a potential threat of the pathology of caudillismo and it has to be guarded against.

I bring a lot of passion to my life and my politics - I don't mind saying there is a very strong Latin component to it.

The custom of my grandfather's day is still going strong in Latin America. American girls do not seem to understand it.

Latin Americans have gotten tired of the Washington consensus - a neoliberalism that has aggravated misery and poverty.

When English football started to integrate more with European football, England started to share the Latin culture more.

When I was in grade school I was into chess club, Latin club, D&D, computer camp - everything that made vaginas go away.

Latin food suffers like Chinese. You can do marginal Chinese and be successful. You can do crappy Mexican and be packed.

There is talk of the failure of socialism, and where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia, and in Latin America?

Perhaps no country in Latin America is more picturesque than Bolivia, and the most memorable Bolivian city may be Potosi.

Ironically, Latin American countries, in their instability, give writers and intellectuals the hope that they are needed.

At Sequoia, we have opened offices in China and India, and we have made a handful of investments in Latin America/Brazil.

In Latin America in general, it's very important that Christianity not be simply a thing of reason, but also of the heart.

I'm what is known as perimenopausal. "Peri", some of you may know, is a Latin prefix meaning 'SHUT YOUR FLIPPIN' PIE HOLE'.

I did not try to conform to anybody's ideal of what a Latin celebrity or movie star should be. I took a lot of hits for it.

There were no Latin people on 'Star Trek,' that this was proof that they weren't planning to have us around for the future.

I never thought I would get such a perfect role in 'Modern Family.' A lot of TV shows now are looking for more Latin women.

I think I'm an American writer writing about Latin America, and I'm a Latin American writer who happens to write in English.

I feel American comedy is a little too light. World cinema, and Latin cinema, is much more comfortable with darker emotions.

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Latin America moved decisively away from military rule and toward civilian democracy.

Latin women are very comfortable with their bodies and their sexuality. We aren't afraid to show that off a little bit more.

The world no doubt is the best or most serviceable schoolmaster; but the world's curriculum does not include Latin and Greek.

Dr Johnson said, the inscription should have been in Latin, as every thing intended to be universal and permanent, should be.

First of all, the music that people call Latin or Spanish is really African. So Black people need to get the credit for that.

I really am happy that I met my agency and my management company, because they see me as a person and not just a Latin woman.

I spent my whole life as a writer talking to just the average guy in Los Angeles and Latin America, talking to working people.

If you're making music for the U.S. Latin fan, it's important that you sing in Spanish. Even going too bilingual can backfire.

Any Latin dance, whether it be salsa, cha cha, samba, etc., is very sexy for me to see a woman do. Using your hips is the key.

Fortunately, war in Latin America is usually waged only with words. The tongue is our most dangerous weapon. We talk too much!

There hasn't been a day in my life since I started Latin in ninth grade that I haven't benefited by the lives of the ancients.

Alas, Postumus, the fleeting years slip by, nor will piety give any stay to wrinkles and pressing old age and untamable death.

Fidel Castro, whatever people may think of him, is a hero in Latin America, primarily because he stood up to the United States.

I've never gone for the smooth, suave Latin or French lover. That usually makes me think they're trying to pull one over on me.

The goal of Latin American unity is highly ephemeral. Each country has its own set of goals and very different sets of leaders.

Though he had very little Latin beyond "Cave canem," he had, as a young dog, devoured Shakespeare (in a tasty leather binding).

The word 'comfort' comes from the Latin words for 'with' and 'strength' and originally meant operating from a position of power.

My mother had been a Latin teacher, and she was always very fascinated with words. She and I shared books and responded to them.

You're kidding. I thought all geniuses read Latin. Isn't that the international language for smart people?"-Shane (Glass Houses)

I got my first set of drums when I was around 3. I went from band to marching band to Latin jazz band - it's like riding a bike.

From 16 to 26, no one really knows what they want to do for the rest of their life at that age. Latin's not f - ing one of them.

I see the new Latin artist as a pioneer, opening up doors for others to follow. And when they don't open, we crowbar our way in.

I know the only reason that I haven't gotten many good parts is because I am Latin - and they tell it to my face a lot of times.

My Latin temper blows up pretty fast, but it goes down just as fast. Maybe that's why you seldom hear of ulcers in Latin America.

Free trade, far from protectionism, is the path that we should take to make Latin America a thriving actor in the global economy.

I come from a Latin nation that had an open policy with the U.S. My parents moved right to Florida, opened a pharmacy, and had me.

The rules of grammar are mere human statutes, which is why when he speaks out of the possessed the Devil himself speaks bad Latin.

Latin America is all moving to the left, from Venezuela to Argentina with rare exceptions, but there's a good left and a bad left.

I feel like flamenco is part of this Latin music culture. It's from Spain, but flamenco has always been connected to Latinoamerica.

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