Human consciousness is just about the last surviving mystery.

I feel like the last tattoo you got is usually your favorite.

I collect ex-boyfriends -- and more than five, at last count.

At the last stages of the journey, there’s no journey at all.

Every moment of life is the last, every poem is a death poem.

For the last five years I've been in the production business.

Joys too exquisite to last, And yet more exquisite when past.

His passions make man live, his wisdom merely makes him last.

The last thing Texas women need in their lives is Greg Abbott.

I can't remember the last time I looked at a Nirvana web site.

Love manufactures every man into a poet while the fever lasts.

I don't like ephemeral things; I like things that last forever

Each time I wake,I think, At last, this is over, but it isn't.

Remember, to the last, that while there is life there is hope.

Don't trust the beginnings, truth is told in the last moments.

Ask your angel to console and assist you in your last moments.

Luce and Daniel fell in love for the first- and the last- time

When the shore is won at last, Who will count the billow past?

I treated it like every day was my last day with a basketball.

On the last day, Chelsea made a great proposal and I accepted.

The capacity for tears is the last demonstration of greatness.

You can wake up every day and make today better than the last.

This song goes out to Robin Williams. It's called 'Last Hope'.

I've decided to keep working until my last kid is thu college.

Once we were Programmers. Maybe our last best hope is a movie.

O to speed where there is space enough and air enough at last!

It is passion that makes man live; wisdom makes one only last.

Hope is the last thing a person does before they are defeated.

Hey," he said. "It's someday." He said the last word in Greek.

The last thing we'll hear is some scientist saying 'It works!'

Our lives will last as long as God has something for us to do.

One cannot begin a new dream without abandoning the last [one].

What the first philosopher taught the last will have to repeat.

The last place we tend to look for healing is within ourselves.

Every stroke our fury strikes is sure to hit ourselves at last.

My latest found, Heaven's last, best gift, my ever new delight!

In the last resort, sheer insight is the greatest asset of all.

Yes, hope is a strange thing. Peace at last. But at what price?

Has a world composed of "us" and "not us" been invaded at last?

The revolutionary Mozart is the Mozart of his last eight years.

A good turn at need,At first or last, shall be assur'd of meed.

We've practiced loving long enough, let's come at last to hate.

The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned.

Love with complications. Scenery was the last thing on my mind.

In life, and in sports, we all know that nothing lasts forever.

A smile happens in a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime.

The thing about stories is you have to pick the ones that last.

They feed the crocodile in the hope that he will eat them last.

Dramatic exits are the last refuge of the infantile personality

As far as I'm concerned the last good man went when Elvis died.

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