All biblical exegetes and theologians have a theory of language, whether they acknowledge it or not.
A feature of English that makes it different compared with all other languages is its global spread.
Just learning to think in another language allows you to see your own culture in a better viewpoint.
Photography is a universal language, transcending the boundaries of race, politics, and nationality.
We are at a time in our country's history that inclusive language is better than exclusive language.
I discovered that if you find the language to talk to younger readers, children can accept anything.
Nothing in life is fair. Fair is a dirty word and I'll thank you not to use that language around me.
Language alone protects us from the scariness of things with no names. Language alone is meditation.
One of the most frustrating words in the human language, as far as I could tell, was love" - Bethany
Language, identity and forms of life are the terms in which political demands are shaped and voiced.
I admire people who dare to take the language, English, and understand it and understand the melody.
When I started studying acting, I was enamoured of actors who used movement to enhance the language.
However virile the English language may be, it can never become the language of the masses of India.