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Onshore wind turbines are visually a very considerable intrusion on any landscape.
I think I'm painting a picture of two women but it may turn out to be a landscape.
It's our landscape which defines our identity and it's what I'm most grateful for.
The mind is never more highly gratified than in contemplating a natural landscape.
All of my work comes out of a deep concern for human expansion into the landscape.
Like many features of a landscape, knowledge looks different from different angles.
In a changing global landscape, Europe will be more and more an indispensible power.
Before I got glasses, I thought Monet was the world's only realist landscape painter.
If equations are trains threading the landscape of numbers, then no train stops at pi.
It would be ridiculous to ignore the speed and possibilities of the digital landscape.
In a happy marriage it is the wife who provides the climate, the husband the landscape.
I am inspired and affected by Aspen, the light and the landscape and the natural world.
Quality of life is not only about what you find in the shops; it's about the landscape.
You can put a gardener behind the wheel, but you can't keep her eyes off the landscape.
Landscape is to American painting what sex and psychoanalysis are to the American novel.
The body repeats the landscape. They are the source of each other and create each other.
We can look out on an alien landscape that no one has seen before and find it beautiful.
I like to think about machines and technology in relation to landscape and architecture.
My current works are abstracts cunningly disguised as landscapes. It is the Canadian way.
We amuse ourselves painting our prison-walls with bright figures and brilliant landscapes.
I come from Chicago, and the landscape of the Midwest has always meant a great deal to me.
A boundary is really something artificial we made up. The ecosystem and landscape continue.
We rely, I think, on landscape photography to make intelligible to us what we already know.
The landscape with its violent, pure colours dazzled and blinded me. I was always uncertain.
I stress the uniqueness of the Australian landscape and its metaphysical and mythic content.
I think that both musicals and opera have a capacity to get to an inner emotional landscape.
The Book of Revelation is such a dream landscape that you can plug any major conflict in it.
I went on to Harvard and got very interested in computers and studying the earth's landscape.
Let your heart travel lightly. Because what you bring with you becomes part of the landscape.
The legacy that The Undertaker has had, I can't even put into words. He changed the landscape.
I think the landscape you grow up in probably does mark you in ways you don't even understand.
I love Scotland, mainly for its landscape. I like walking, and it's a great place to go hiking.
Whatever story you're telling in Louisiana, the landscape is going to become a character in it.
Our engineering departments build freeways which destroy a city or a landscape, in the process.
We do not build speedways, but roads which correspond to the character of the German landscape.
I think women have the opportunity to change the landscape and change the direction of America.
When you are painting a landscape, assume the painting is real and the landscape is an illusion.
The landscape of the American West has to be seen to believed and has to be believed to be seen.
Something unpronounceable followed by a long silence points out my life is becoming a landscape.
If anything, the power of the cover of 'Time' has increased as the media landscape has atomized.
Alas! how little does the memory of these human inhabitants enhance the beauty of the landscape!
There is an eternal landscape, a geography of the soul; we search for its outline all our lives.
For me, a landscape does not exist in its own right, since its appearance changes at any moment.
The landscape of the music business has changed and I definitely have to take advantage of that.
There's no musical landscape to poetry. It has somewhat of a higher standard than songs, I think.
The desert is no longer a landscape, it is a pure form produced by the abstraction of all others.
There is an eternal landscape, a geography of the soul; we search for its outlines all our lives.
Farms produce a lot more than food; they also produce a kind of landscape and a kind of community.
A lot of writing is a form of seeing - putting down what you see in terms of action and landscape.
An author knows his landscape best; he can stand around, smell the wind, get a feel for his place.