I miss CDs. I miss listening to a whole album, even the lame songs that sometimes grow on you.

In just - Spring when the world is mud- luscious the little lame balloonman whistles far and wee

Losing an arm is kinda lame at one point, but at the same time, so much good has come out of it.

Reading is looked at like it's corny or lame, but you'd be surprised what you can find in a book.

Yeah, it's just a lame term. I wish it was "movie star." That's a much better term than celebrity.

I don't like actors who try to talk directors into making their part bigger and that's really lame.

Wonder Woman is lame. She flies around in an invisible jet, but she's not invisible. I don't get it.

I once knew a man out of courtesy help a lame dog over a stile, and he for requital bit his fingers.

I know it sounds really lame and hater-ish, but I think 2009 was maybe the worst year for music ever.

Will power is to the mind like a strong blind man who carries on his shoulders a lame man who can see.

When you can impress your mom by saying you've been to someone's concert, you know you're pretty lame.

I'm not nostalgic for my glory days in college. It was lame for me. Probably because I had no friends.

TMI? Too Much Information. It”s just easier to say 'TMI'. I used to say 'don't go there', but that's lame.

A joke, even if it be a lame one, is nowhere so keenly relished or quickly applauded as in a murder trial.

Nothing of worth or weight can be achieved with half a mind, with a faint heart, and with a lame endeavor.

Personally, I wish D. would come after me, I need a good dance partner. My Daimons have lame legs. (Acheron)

Destiny is for losers. It's just a lame excuse for letting things happen to you instead of making them happen.

The rifleman's stalking the sick and the lame, preacherman seeks the same, who'll get there first is uncertain.

The study and knowledge of the universe would somehow be lame and defective were no practical results to follow.

Valentine's Day gifts like teddy bears, chocolate and perfume are SO lame. How about be thoughtful and original?

Cease your insults to God, quit consulting flesh and blood. Stop your lame, lying, and cowardly excuses. Enlist!

I don't trade on my sexual identity in that way for political points. I think that's lame, and it's not my style.

Wikipedia is kind of weird. I feel it's lame to put up my own page, but I desperately want someone else to do it.

Nothing is more effective than sincere, accurate praise, and nothing is more lame than a cookie-cutter compliment.

I couldn’t help it,” I said, knowing how lame that sounded. It was as bad as Angeline’s “it’s not my fault” mantra.

It may sound lame, but I've been journaling since I was in third grade. I love it! It makes me feel calm and happy.

For me, the lame part of the Sixties was the political part, the social part. The real part was the spiritual part.

I just try to be the same kid from New York and Greenwich, Connecticut, who is just lame and watches TV and Netflix.

This is so lame to say in a magazine, but I just grabbed some pink wallpaper. I find it to be a very relaxing color.

I will not write a lame follow-up. It could take me 20 years. But I will never turn in a book that I'm not happy with.

So he's like a human compass? As far as superpowers go, that's pretty lame. You're like the Caster equivalent of Aquaman.

The breath Of accusation kills an innocent name, And leaves for lame acquittal the poor life, Which is a mask without it.

I'm a producer... I am a Hollywood producer. That is so weird. And it's not lame. But it's just like, how did that happen?

I'm a member and preacher to that church where the blind don't see and the lame don't walk and what's dead stays that way.

I've always been against trying to make a movie like another movie. That's lame. It's already been done, so why do it again?

You've got to use your celebrity for good stuff, not evil. I think it's lame when people act as if they're better than everyone!

I don't really think of my blog as a real blog. It's a lame blog. It's more like my when-the-mood-strikes update, or smoke signal.

You know, I'm really bad on the computer. I'm really lame, man. I read and hang out with my kids. I've turned into a five year old.

Clubs are so lame. Nobody even dances at these clubs. They stand around and get drunk and they schmooze. There is no enjoyment factor.

The money-getter who pleads his love of work has a lame defense, for love of work at money-getting is a lower taste than love of money.

I was a good student. I was lame. I was into school and didn't really go out much, so I guess I wasn't the coolest person on the planet.

Award shows in general are just lame excuses to stroke the egos of millionaires, but the 'ESPY's' are an especially embarrassing example.

If you have a good date, it's nice to text them afterward to say "thanks." But if they were totally lame, it's fun to text "unsubscribe."

My first year of university, I ran around and signed up for these clubs, and I noticed they were all drama clubs: really lame, artsy things.

One of my life philosophies is that you have a choice to make when you're doing something creative. You can be cheesy... or you can be lame.

Perhaps the most common argument against the advocates of cancel culture is that they're lame and uncreative - and I think they generally are.

Do not be in a hurry to rush into the pleasures of the world like the young antelope who danced herself lame when the main dance was yet to come.

I don't like when people seem to put every single thing on and just walk up and down outside waiting to be photographed. I think that's a bit lame.

Usually I feel kind-of normal and lame, and then I'll go to the coffee shop and someone'll say, 'You rock!' And then I'll remember how awesome I am.

Anyone who grows up with parents who are very influential, there are cases where people run away from that if they have parents who are really lame.

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