I like music that is upbeat, such as Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars. Or anything disco - I will listen to that, too.

When Lady Gaga wears a meat dress, it's meant to be controversial, but then it turns into money, and it's all fine.

When Lady Gaga says I am her inspiration, you reach kids between 12 and 18. Now I am like a brand - jeans, Coca-Cola.

Lady Gaga listens to me. Her mantra is only one word - 'Bikram' - because Bikram makes her what she is today. It works.

In general, people are comfortable sharing their music. There are two exceptions, though - Lady Gaga and Britney Spears.

One thing I love about Lady Gaga is I feel like her sound is always evolving and changing with her and her phases of life.

Some of the most successful artists are the weirdest ones - look at Lady Gaga. I've done shows with her and she's amazing.

I'll never take any credit for Lady Gaga or Katy Perry's success. But I knew within a month that Gaga was going to be huge.

I think Lady Gaga is great and is changing pop music and bringing back a certain rock 'n' roll spirit, swagger to the game.

Lady Gaga is the present and the future. She is the most revolutionary and inspirational artist. She is fearless and daring.

I'm ready to do something with Lady Gaga or Andrea Bocelli. I'm really grateful that nothing is out of the realm of possibility.

I'm obsessed with Lady Gaga. I saw her at the Alexander Wang fashion show after-party, and I think she's the nicest person ever.

I want people to understand that from the minute Lady Gaga arrived, she created a new set of rules: being different is good; embrace it.

Queerness isn't just Lady Gaga and overpriced drinks and fauxhawks. It's James Baldwin and Bea Arthur and Gertrude Stein and Gore Vidal.

As big as Metallica are, they're still not like a pop act. As big as they are, they're still not U2 or Lady Gaga. It's still underground.

I like Kylie Minogue sometimes - I like a lot of unusual stuff... I don't know - I like Justin Timberlake over Lady GaGa, just musically.

If somebody wants to get inside my brain and figure out what I'm chasing, what I'm after think Richard Branson, think Madonna, think Lady Gaga.

I listen to everything from Lady Gaga to Lady Antebellum. I've got Frank Sinatra. I've got old stuff, new stuff. Iggy Azalea. I've got everything.

I can tell when I meet you, within three minutes, how you were raised. When I met Lady Gaga on the 'American Horror' set... beautifully brought up.

It was a privilege and an honor to work alongside Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. Working with people at the top of their game was like a master class.

Lady Gaga reached out to us saying how much she loves our music, and we were just like, 'What?! She knows who we are?!' That's how mindblown we were.

I would love to work with Karlie Kloss and model for Chanel. And I would love to be in a music video with Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift, my two favorite artists.

I listen to music - Lady Gaga, Kanye, Jay-Z, the Beatles, Robert Plant - while I'm walking down Fifth Avenue to my office in the Trump Tower early each morning.

She was a performance artist calling herself Lady Gaga, who had a European dance-club sound and pop-star aspirations - elements that historically haven't mixed.

There obviously are a hell of a lot of people that love Lady Gaga. But to me, she's been the theatre of the absurd. And the more absurd it is, the bigger she got.

If it weren't for Liberace, there would be no Madonna or Lady Gaga, Elton John, Bette Midler, or Elvis because it was Liberace who helped the King glitz up his act.

I would love one day for us to all get in to drag together and all hang out. Wouldn't that be fun, me and Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga in drag skipping around the city?

Stephen Jones' hats are what we used to call 'creations'; extravagant, odd things for extravagant, odd people like Madonna or Lady Gaga. They're worn in a parallel universe.

Whether someone wants to learn the words to a new Lady Gaga song they heard on the radio or to verify the lyrics to 'Blinded by the Light', the LyricWiki community delivers.

Kids love Lady Gaga because she's a freak, and she's one of the few people doing that, but unfortunately, Lady Gaga hasn't got the tunes. She's not David Bowie or Roxy Music.

I get a lot - a lot - of requests to make things that are like Lady Gaga. Like, 'I'm a 9-year-old girl in Wisconsin. Please dress me like Lady Gaga. How much would this cost?'

I'll tell you who makes me laugh, in a good way, and I'd love to have a date with her: if I could just have a salad with Lady Gaga? This would be my - I would almost probably faint.

Millennials give comics the kind of adulation past generations reserved for musicians. We respect Lady Gaga. But we'll travel hundreds of miles to touch the hem of Jon Stewart's robe.

I did 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' a while ago, and Lady Gaga was in the dressing room next to mine. The outfit she wore walking down the hall was even more fabulous than what she wore onstage!

I really love when music artists like Lady Gaga or Michael Jackson wear outrageous things. Obviously, if I wore something like that I'd look like an idiot, but I really respect fashion.

I don't have Twitter, but Lady Gaga tweeted at me - like, reposted an interview where I was fangirling - and wrote, 'Katherine' with a love heart. And I kind of freaked out a little bit.

I've always wanted to continue work as an actor in Hollywood. So being in a film with Lady Gaga is something I'm trying to get my head around. It's a fabulous dream honey, don't wake me.

When someone comes forward and is an individual, such as a Lady Gaga or a Katy Perry, people respond to them because there is that sense of innocence. It's obviously dress up and theatre.

For my group of friends is Lady Gaga eye-opening? No. She's a less dangerous version of what was so cool about pop culture in the '80s. Back then it was so gay and so punk in so many ways.

I was thinking about working with Lady Gaga, not 'Born This Way' but more her old stuff that she did with RedOne from her first album. I think that would be really fun - a cool combination.

The representation that I always go back to is a pop star - whether it's Lady Gaga or Madonna, I love the way those women in pop music have always made an effort to create a specific vision.

Twenty years from now, will we listen to Lady Gaga? No. She might think she is making a stand for the freaks and the weirdos. But they're not going to have any decent music to play, are they?

Recently, Lady Gaga was motivated to take the helm of the creative direction of her career and as such I decided to step away. I am extremely proud of her, and in stepping away I wish her all the best.

Be like Sasha Fierce. Be like Miley Cyrus. Be like Rihanna. Be like Lady Gaga. Be like Rita Ora and Sia. Be like Madonna. I cannot be like them, except to the extent that they are already being like me.

My family, the support of my friends, the amount of people that have written and come up to me on the street and said, 'Thank you for representing us,' and Adam Lambert, and Lady Gaga, that's been amazing.

Do you believe in Madonna? Because Lady Gaga has got something to say about 'Express Yourself,' and she's turned Madonna's fourth-best single of 1989 into her own instant-classic club anthem, 'Born This Way.'

I'm such a huge fan, and I've done classes of all Lady Gaga music. And she's just someone who evokes freedom and love for her fans and passion in what she does. Lady Gaga, I'll take you out for a salad anytime.

Without Deborah Harry, there's no Madonna; there's no Lady Gaga and beyond. There was something that she did that was very new and powerful in pop, and she was responsible for a change in the way the world acted.

I love the romance of what I do, although because of Isabella, Lady Gaga and Grace Jones, people think I have crazy customers. Sometimes I get more enthusiasm from the housewife who wants a hat and believes in it.

There are lots of people whose style I admire, although I'd never dress like them. Chloe Sevigny is probably the most stylish woman ever, and Lady Gaga is amazing - it's fun to watch what she's going to wear next.

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