Industry cannot flourish if labor languish.

I'm always suffering from a labor shortage.

The monarchy is a labor intensive industry.

Congenial labor is the secret of happiness.

Labor diligently to increase your property.

Art is man's expression of his joy in labor.

The vast majority of the CGI budget is labor.

There is no real wealth but the labor of man.

Everything in the world is purchased by labor.

We are all of us Apollos serving some Admetus.

I have not earned what I have already enjoyed.

I thought Manual Labor was a Mexican golf pro.

We only invest in businesses that reduce labor.

I have spent my life laboriously doing nothing.

We may never truly see the fruits of the labor.

Learning, undigested by thought, is labor lost.

It was a labor of love and they did really well.

The fact is the sweetest dream that labor knows.

The poor despise labor when performed by slaves.

I fight like a daggone wild man for labor unions.

Any manual labor I've done was purely by mistake.

I knew that manual labor wasn't the career for me.

Labor is the source of all wealth and all culture.

You got some cheap foreign labor to protect Lissa?

It's amazing... to enjoy the results of your labor.

...boredom was as exhausting as backbreaking labor.

Where there is no desire, there will be no industry.

I'm in this business because I despise honest labor.

Making labor less expensive helps firms hire people.

Flattery labors under the odious charge of servility.

I'm aware enough, I guess, of American labor history.

Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them.

O, I do not like that paying back, 'tis a double labor.

Poorly paid labor is inefficient labor, the world over.

The demand for commodities is not the demand for labor.

Writing is manual labor of the mind - like laying pipe.

The wealth of society is its stock of productive labor.

An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.

Don't forget to bring your sense of humor to your labor.

Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.

I talk to business; I talk to labor. I talk to everybody.

He who tampers with the currency robs labor of its bread.

O sweet solace of labors. [Lat., O laborum Dulce lenimen.]

My designs and labors and aspirations are my only friends.

The fruit derived from labor is the sweetest of pleasures.

There's a lot of labor involved in the birth of a new town.

I'm convinced that we all harvest the fruits of our labors.

As brightness is to rustiness, so labor excelleth idleness.

An army is strengthened by labor and enervated by idleness.

I am a huge believer in organized labor. Period. Full stop.

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