I'm signed to a U.S. label, and I didn't enjoy the 3 A.M. phone calls. I'm not a great sleeper, so I didn't enjoy being woken up.

We believe that the Internet is the live concert promoters best friend although it might have crippled the record label business.

I'd only do a deal with a label if it allowed me to still be indie and have that indie mentality. I have to have creative control.

I'm from Israel, so America has no limits. I started a record label, and then I started managing other artists, like Liza Minelli.

Heath Ledger was supposed to put our album on what would have been a new record label. I still feel a little dead after losing him.

When you sign with a label, they do insist upon certain rights, and if you have a competent attorney, your rights will be protected.

I've been kind of toying around with the bi thing in my head. I wouldn't ever give myself the label 'bisexual', but bi-curious? Yea.

I want to be role model for people to be like, 'I don't need a major label to be a successful artist and to have a successful song.'

It's really hard because obviously people label you as a British East Asian actor. And I'm just from Salford; it's where I was born.

Don't get hung up on the size. If you feel bad about yourself because a 12 is what fits, take a Sharpie, and write '6' on the label.

We had this budding baby band going and we hadn't reached that development we wanted to reach before we got signed to a major label.

Like Mr. Trump, an entrepreneur and business man by trade, I have seen, first-hand, the importance of the 'Made in the U.S.A.' label.

I have trouble applying the 'whistle-blower' label to someone who just disagrees with the way our country is structured and operates.

All of my songwriting success happened within a four month time span, and my record label deal happened within the next three months.

If I had a label, everything would have been easier. But it wouldn't have been the same album, from the cover art to the songs on it.

I figured it out at a young age: I could meet as many young people online and try to form my own family or my own record label group.

I am not really brand-conscious; I pick out clothes that appeal to me regardless of the label, but I consider my style very American.

When I got my first email from a record label, I decided I didn't want to go in with just one song, so I sat down and kept on writing.

I'm not this bright-eyed 17-year-old that got signed to a label and is listening to all these suits tell them the best plan of action.

I'm fighting the label of 'Black' actress simply because it's very limiting in people's eyes, especially people who are making movies.

People think I have the benefit of a public school education. I have this suave and debonair label, but really, I'm as common as muck.

There will be a Jussie Smollett album. I signed to Columbia. So, darling, I'm label mates with Beyonce and Adele and Barbra Streisand.

Customers want to buy something which is not expensive because of a label but which is costly because of the time taken to produce it.

Every single thing that I was told that I couldn't do without a label - get in the charts, get on to the Radio 1 playlist - I've done.

We were signed to a label that wanted us to remain little girls who appealed to other little girls, who were cute and non-threatening.

I used to be brave. In the past, I've opened a restaurant, had a record label, had my daughter and it was go, go, go with all of these.

You are often asked to explain your work, as if the reader isn't able to work it out. And people always try and label you by your work.

Being in a band is very much like a startup. You start in a garage. You hope to get interest from investors, like a major record label.

Hollywood Regency is a label some people put on me, but I consider myself a modernist in that I always try to make the work feel fresh.

Although some Clinton biographers have been quick to label Alinsky a communist, he maintained that he never joined the Communist Party.

Because I was fast, technical, and could dribble well, it was always the easy thing to label me just a winger and have me stick to that.

People look at me, and they have a certain perception, and they slap a label on me. The guy you saw in a wrestling ring is not who I am.

Denise Mina is probably one of the most gifted writers out there, whether it's mystery or literary or whatever label you want to give it.

Because the pop industry is cruel, if you don't do everything the label wants you to do, it has an army of other people waiting to do it.

Not everything I do is gossip or bedroom. To the contrary, I think that's just an easy label to dismiss me and to dismiss the new medium.

I think time management as a label encourages people to view each 24-hour period as a slot in which they should pack as much as possible.

I loved Justice and Uffie and everyone signed to the label Ed Banger. They were really influential to me when first started making music.

The band cannot sign to another label or even put out its own material unless they are released from their agreement, which never happens.

I got out of the business because I went from being the biggest artist on my record label to someone they didn't even want to have around.

I like for jewelry to tell a story and to be able to talk about what I'm wearing. That's more important to me than a name, brand, or label.

In my career, I have played a gangster, an ex cop, a journalist and a film director. Yet, the label of a serial kisser refuses to leave me.

When something happens to you, suffering doesn't begin. Suffering begins at the instant you label a bad thing - as something that is wrong.

I wish my work would be recognized by a larger crowd of people as more art than be stuck with the cartoonist label for the rest of my life.

I just write songs and hope that they do well. I'm sure there is some pressure from someone at the label, but I'd rather keep away from it.

I've honestly fallen in love with a man and I've honestly fallen in love with a woman. I don't know how you label that, it's just how it is.

Love is the word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle-aged, and the mutual dependence of the old.

There's some dudes that did Gangsta Grillz tapes who probably weren't worthy of it - their label just put up the bread, or they did a favor.

Hillary Clinton famously embraced the Trump-originated label 'nasty woman' as yet another way to show just how bad Donald Trump was to women.

We really shouldn't be putting a label on size. Fashion is for all, and I think confidence and happiness is more important than dress labels.

What I learned from the Beastie Boys was to be independent. They set up their own world separate from the label. They built their own studio.

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