In general, we are lazy as consumers and just want to label people as good guy, bad guy.

Fashion wasn't a label back in the '70s. We made our own clothes because we had no money.

It's pure Black Label. It's about violence and booze. That's all it is. There is no plan.

I don't think the label cares about an album... People just want their number-one record.

To go indie is a thing. But to put an album in the stores, you need a distribution label.

With the new ways of getting music out, you don't need a label if you're a legacy artist.

I used to work at a label. I used to be a publicist. I used to be at a management company.

Even though I don't believe in God, I feel strangely compelled to fight the atheist label.

I was with PolyGram; that was the big label that I was with for the longest, like 12 years.

It's so easy for people to stick a label on you, and then that taints everything you touch.

I don't really like labels in politics, but I will gladly accept the label of conservatism.

If your label won't let you have the cover you want or sing the songs you want, then leave!

My record label is treating me like I'm a new artist, which is exciting after all this time.

You can't really label me as a musician, a comedian, or a rapper - you know, it's different.

We got on his label, and the Bizarre organization is just going up and up. So we have faith.

The career high would be putting out a Kids of Widney High CD on my label, Ipecac Recordings.

I'm developing artists for my new record label, my son's band, Intangible, being one of them.

I'm the first British artist to have two successive number ones on his own independent label.

It's a great thing not trying to make music for a label but just for the love of music again.

Yeah, I think Michael has had to deal with that label of being Michael Caine for a long time.

Jesse James's next tattoo should be a warning label: Danger. Loving this man could break you.

My tenure in the Senate was really as an independent and whichever, regardless of party label.

I've never really turned to my dad for anything, I think out of fear of the label of nepotism.

I think what hurt me all along was the label of 'war-time pitcher.' I've always resented that.

They say I'm the Hottest MC in the Game. If you label me that, I will live up to it. Trust me.

All you needed was a couple of instruments and a few chords and you could be on an indie label.

You have social networking, and you can do things efficiently without the might of a big label.

I'll tell you where I stand on the issues, and then I'll let the pundits decide how to label me.

I'm often criticised for what I wear. That's my main label in the press now: disastrous dresser!

For 10 years, I was my own label, my own promoter, my own PR. We borrowed money to print our CDs.

The record label used to try and make us do stuff, like dance, and we'd say, nah, not doing that.

Once you get labelled, people expect you to behave within the very narrow confines of that label.

I don't think any of us think of ourselves as artists or actors - clowns, we'll accept that label.

At first, I wanted to start my own label, but it was such a full-time job that it became too much.

The new independent spirit at Warner Music is a perfect fit for a stand-alone label like Maverick.

When I was nominated for a Grammy, my label dropped me - I have a wariness about trying for a hit.

I've made sure that in any situation and with any record label, I'm allowed to write my own music.

You can't come out on a record dissing the system and be on a label that's connected to the system.

I never thought of myself as a comedian. That is a label - make me laugh. I want to make you think.

I believe in the ethos of the remix, like Andy Warhol making a painting of a Campbell's soup label.

Obviously, my label would want me to be on the radio all the time, but that's not my personal goal.

If you're not on a major label today, you're not gonna get played. They've got the market sewed up.

Method acting is a label I don't really understand, because there's a method to everybody's acting.

I've always been a fan of Nigerian artist D'banj. He's now signed to Kanye West's Good Music label.

The fashion industry may persist to label me as 'plus-size,' but I like to think of it as 'my size.'

I was always doing an independent kind of move while I was still with a label. They just stamped it.

I guess I've learned that there's really no such thing as a bad label, there is only a bad contract.

I'm always connecting with what society would label the outcasts and the weirdos and the lost souls.

The fashion industry might persist to label me as plus-sized, but I like to think of it as my-sized.

You can now be a master of your own destiny. I'm not sure why you would sign up with a record label.

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