You can't just buy things for the label - it's ridiculous.

I'm tired of labels. This is my label right here: El Cucuy.

After we wrote The Wreckoning, our record label did listen.

It's fun seeing my label on someone's behind - I like that.

I don't care who's on the label, because I have a job to do.

I couldn't put any kind of label on my production aesthetic.

I never solicited a major label and I certainly wouldn't now.

I feel like some artists need a record label, and some don't.

I did not label myself 'plus size.' The fashion industry did.

I don't know that you can put a label on growth. I'm just me.

I don't think any of us like to be reduced to just one label.

I didn't tour Europe, because I didn't have any label support.

I could more label myself as even a spokeswoman for happiness!

I am an Indian citizen. How can anyone label me as an outsider?

Hollywood likes to label everyone so you're easier to identify.

It's a great feeling being with a label that respects what I do.

Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to start a record label.

I don't care what you label me as long as you call me president.

It's one thing to be a fan and it's another thing to be a label.

If had to label myself, I guess classical liberal would be best.

I feel like comedy had a boys'-club label when we were starting.

I just had it with the corporate money, money, money label thing.

Those wearing Tolerance for a label call other views intolerable.

I really don't think we should label models as 'plus' or 'runway.'

To label me an intellectual is a misunderstanding of what that is.

When you're 17 and a record label says, 'Hey, do pop,' you listen.

I come from a place where I find it hard to identify with a label.

Because with Black Label and all the fans it's just one big family.

Police are reluctant to label a murder as a possible serial homicide.

I wouldn't ever give myself the label bisexual, but bi-curious, yeah.

We have meetings with our record label to tell them how to market us.

People can label me whatever they like. I don't really care any more.

Elton John's opinion turned the label's opinion around, all in a day.

The last true punk band to get a major label contract was The Dickies.

With me, I'm going to have a label where no one is ever cheated, ever.

I love producing. I have been producing some acts and starting a label.

I am in discussions with a label. We are talking about doing something.

We as label executives, we have to know the limitations of the artists.

I think people like to label everything. I just think it's comfortable.

We've sold over 100,000 records so far, and we're an independent label.

Christianity is a lifestyle. And being a Christian is more than a label.

I've always felt like the underdog, and I'm comfortable with that label.

I don't like labels, but if you have to put a label on it, I'm a gay man.

The first-time director thing is just another label somebody puts on you.

For a label for me, 'conservative' is more appropriate than 'Republican.'

I didn't suddenly become conservative. It was only the label that changed.

I will be developing artists for my new label. The rest is in God's Hands.

Probably the label 'Jesus freak' is fine with me. Because I know who I am.

Waka Flocka is a product, a franchise, a brand, a label... And a good guy!

If anything, I label myself as sort of Buddhist. My wife Jane is Buddhist.

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