When you're a kid and you see gangsters living the life, you kind of want to be like that.

If from infancy you treat children as gods, they are liable in adulthood to act as devils.

Kids today learn a lot about getting to the moon, but very little about getting to heaven.

Remember, the goal is not to raise great kids; it's to raise kids who become great adults.

My kids are no different than anyone else's - they tend to disagree with everything I say!

When I was a little kid I thought I would grow up to be black and sing jazz in nightclubs.

The most important thing we stressed is that we want those kids to be productive citizens.

As a kid, I was heavily into martial arts and wanted to be the next Jean-Claude Van Damme.

As a kid, I was obsessed with myths and legends and the haunting beauty of gothic stories.

Do you light up when your kids are coming in the room or do you become the instant critic?

I never studied film formally at school, but as a kid, I spent most of my time in cinemas.

I have a total complex [because of my curls], though, because I got teased a lot as a kid.

I read while the kids play. I can see them from the kitchen window. And I'm a fast reader.

My parents never talked to me like I was a kid. Maybe that's why I've been seen as mature.

I like the values in Flicka, and I wanted to do a movie my kids could see and be proud of.

Kids can and are a blessing. But plenty of people without kids live and die just as happy.

Any time I have to get on a plane and leave my kids for a few days, it's kind of tortuous.

The only way a kid is going to practise is if it's total fun for him... and it was for me.

That is the greatest gift my books have given me; what it means and has done for the kids.

So I want my kids to go to public schools because I think it's a better education overall.

The kid who is scared is the one the bullies go after. I used to get beat up pretty badly.

Scary is good. Kids like going to a movie and being really scared rather than fake scared.

I definitely want kids and I want four kids, for sure. But I need to find a husband first!

Itd be cool to carry on doing films, but when I was a kid I wanted to be an ice cream man.

So many kids are fat drug addicts these days, it's almost as if Rush Limbaugh had puppies.

I was a strange kid. I'm still strange. People didn't get me. And I didn't expect them to.

I always felt a little bit like a little kid that's never grown up in the world of adults.

I want all the kids to do what I do, to look up to me. I want all the kids to copulate me.

Imagine a 15-year-old kid saying, 'I have two moms - it's cool.' I don't fear that at all.

Every western I did and will do; I will do it for the never ending young kid inside of me.

Everybody in St. Louis, every kid in St. Louis, wanted to be Stan Musial. He was the best.

How do you know if you don't measure if you have a system that simply suckles kids through?

I think I was the only kid on the block who knew about furniture scale by the time I was 8.

Kids shouldn't see all the violence they do these days. But the industry just doesn't care.

I didn't want to be a hero to kids; I didn't think I had that. I just wanted to be popular.

Kids arent growing up with a sense of television as the aspirational place for their ideas.

I don't sleep very much. I really like to work, though. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

I just wanted to go out and make a record that Ive always wanted to make since I was a kid.

Why is it parents think they help their kids by pretending things are better than they are?

I'm one of six kids, and the eight of us lived for over a decade in either a bus or a boat.

My family used to call me an oversized kid and I think that's pretty accurate in some ways.

The only reason I think I would marry a foreigner would be to have kids with weird accents.

I still have all the faith and love for my music and yet I'm still playing places for kids.

I did some theater as a kid for fun. But it was really by chance that I landed into acting.

When kids come up to me and say. 'I want to be like you,' it fires me up. It's pretty cool.

Pink Floyd was music for rich college kids, and we were the exact f**king opposite of that.

Being on the road and doing events is like getting kids ready for school for most families.

My kids inspire me to be the person I am today - without them I wouldn't be who I am today.

My legitimate kids are Dalma and Giannina. The rest are a product of my money and mistakes.

We challenge our kids to be close around the 2:00 mark. If we can do that we can win games.

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