Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just.

Scorn not the sonnet. Critic, you have frowned, Mindless of its just honours; with this key Shakespeare unlocked his heart.

That you prefer to rule through fear rather than justice? So sorry, Your Majesty, I’m afraid I already knew that about you.

Justice is the very last thing of all wherewith the universe concerns itself. It is equilibrium that absorbs its attention.

This is our special duty, that if anyone specially needs our help, we should give him such help to the utmost of our power.

Against eternal injustice, man must assert justice, and to protest against the universe of grief, he must create happiness.

In America, freedom and justice have always come from the ballot box, the jury box, and when that fails, the cartridge box.

When the world sees us doing evangelism, they just see us recruiting. When they see us doing justice, they see God's glory.

I would think a lot more would be done to demand justice, to demand that officials in Belgrade have a serious investigation.

What is new is not bisexuality, but rather the widening of our awareness and acceptance of human capacities for sexual love.

Justice, truth, and beauty are sisters and comrades. With three such beautiful words we have no need to look for any others.

We are not engaged in domestic politics, in church building or in social uplift work, but we are engaged in nation building.

The fastest way to attain courage is to follow the chosen Way and be willing to abandon life itself for the sake of justice.

Don't let anyone tell you that great things can't happen in America... Barriers can come down. Justice and equality can win.

Thou art Justice ne'er for gold May thy righteous laws be sold As laws are in England thou Shield'st alike the high and low.

[The] impersonal process of the market ... can be neither just nor unjust, because the results are not intended or foreseen.

When you say I want to talk about racial justice, that`s not the same as saying I want to do something about racial justice.

If my cup won't hold but a pint and yourn holds a quart, wouldn't ye be mean not to let me have my little half-measure full?

The Negro revolt is not aimed at winning friends but at winning freedom, not interpersonal warmth but institutional justice.

Delays in granting of justice very often reduce the speed with which investment could be undertaken, discouraging investors.

Peace is more important than all justice; and peace was not made for the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace.

How protean are the devices available to human intelligence when it lends itself to the persistence of the conformist error.

Dear Hip Hop, we can't scream 'murder, misogyny, lawlessness' in our music & then turn around and ask for equality & justice.

For Hades is mighty in calling men to account below the earth, and with a mind that records in tablets he surveys all things.

Never expect justice from a vain man; if he has the negative magnanimity not to disparage you, it is the most you can expect.

For unbelievers, at the final judgment, there will not be one drop of mercy, only perfect justice-so much sin, so much wrath.

When blacks are unemployed, they are considered lazy and apathetic. When whites are unemployed, it's considered a depression.

You know, the courts may not be working any more, but as long as everyone is videotaping everyone else, justice will be done.

Seldom or never is a poor man honored by the world; however worthy of honor he may be, he is apt rather to be despised by it.

You will never be able to experience everything. So, please, do poetical justice to your soul and simply experience yourself.

I stand by my work on behalf of the citizens of Spokane to further justice and promote civilian oversight of law enforcement.

Justice is not always an open and shut case - sometimes we have to work for it. If you want peace, you must work for justice.

Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies? For what are robberies themselves, but little kingdoms.

Justice is the most "political" or institutional of the virtues. The legitimacy of a state rests upon its claim to do justice.

Romanticism is not just a mode; it literally eats into every life. Women will never get rid of just waiting for the right man.

Because politics rests on an irreducible measure of coercion, it can never become a perfect realm of perfect love and justice.

Every human tribunal ought to take care to administer justice, as we look hereafter to have justice administered to ourselves.

Most of the time when "universal" is used, it's just a euphamism for "white"; white themes, white significance, white culture.

Old anchormen, you see, don't fade away. They just keep coming back for more. And that's the way it is, Friday, March 6, 1981.

If you are trying to balance the scales of justice and equality in all your work relationships, you're going to come up short.

Truth is always in harmony with herself, and is not concerned chiefly to reveal the justice that may consist with wrong-doing.

I would not have the Justice Department prosecuting and raiding medical marijuana users. It's not a good use of our resources.

The courts are an easy scapegoat because at a time when everything has to boiled down to easy slogans, we speak in subtleties.

In Alabama this would be a capital case, and if we don't get justice in Australia we're going to pursue the death penalty here

The Pope appeals for disinterested solidarity and for a return to person-centred ethics in the world of finance and economics.

We are not a religious tradition with a creed, but a religious movement that has always wedded social justice work to theology

To live in a world where truth matters and justice, however late, really happens, that world would be heaven enough for us all.

Someday, beyond the clouds and all the world's wrongs, there will be love, compassion and justice, and we shall all understand.

Teaching has always been, for me, linked to issues of social justice. I've never considered it a neutral or passive profession.

The method of the critic is to balance praises with censure, and thus to do justice to the subject and--his own discrimination.

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