Education for all seems to be the product of a type of distributive justice that is in no way related to the individual.

The political problem of mankind is to combine three things: economic efficiency, social justice and individual liberty.

Revolution is based on land. Land is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality.

Actually 'bad' doesn't do justice to my handwriting. Neither does 'handwriting.' 'Desecration of paper' about covers it.

Cosmetic surgery and the ideology of self-improvement may have made women's hope for legal recourse to justice obsolete.

Let me tell you what justice is. Justice is the law. And that man's feeble attempt to lay down the principles of deceny.

As Justice Sandra Day O'Connor stated, even a state of war is not a blank check for a president to do whatever he wants.

A person who lacks the verdancy of justice is dry, totally without tender goodness, totally without illuminating virtue.

My father was a deeply committed humanitarian. He was a fighter for social justice. He was spirited in the deepest sense.

My job as a prosecutor is to do justice. And justice is served when a guilty man is convicted and an innocent man is not.

Ethics and Equity are at the core of debate of climate change. Debate has to move from Climate Change to Climate Justice.

if human justice is to supplement Nature's provisions, all family duties must be shared equitably, in person or by proxy.

We don't have any real justice in the legal system, you never see a headline that reads, Millionaire Gets Death Sentence.

Criminal justice is about respecting the law and being respected by the law so there is a fundamental respect issue here.

But if by some miracle and all our struggle, the earth is spared, only justice to every living being will save humankind.

I'm not fighting for justice. I am not fighting for freedom. I am fighting for my life and another day in the world here.

If the building of a bridge does not enrich the awareness of those who work on it, then the bridge ought not to be built.

Reelection ought not to be the primary preoccupation of any politician. It ought to be standing up for truth and justice.

Anarchy! Revolution, Justice, Screaming For Solutions, Forcing Changes, Risk, and Danger, Making Noise and Making Pleas!.

Tenderness is total love, whereas justice is only a part of love, though it believes itself, mistakenly, to be the whole.

justice itself is a chimera, a delusion. Justice is not a flat yardstick, applied in equal measure to an equal situation.

It's perfectly obvious that somebody's responsible and somebody's innocent. Otherwise it [justice] makes no sense at all.

There is no limit to the ingenuity of man if it is properly and vigorously applied under conditions of peace and justice.

In opposing Communism, we are defeating ourselves if we use methods that do not conform to the American sense of justice.

It takes courage to speak up against complacency and injustice while others remain silent. But that's what leadership is.

It is hard to say whether doctors of law or divinity have made the greater advances in the lucrative business of mystery.

O ye rich ones on earth! The poor in your midst are My trust; guard ye My trust, and be not intent only on your own ease.

Study the Constitution. Let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislatures, and enforced in courts of justice.

Oh swiftly glides the bonnie boat, Just parted from the shore, And to the fisher's chorus-note Soft moves the dipping oar.

There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.

Since suffering confers no rights on its victims, we who witness are the ones responsible for restoring these lost rights.

Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens.

The profoundest of all sensualities is the sense of truth and the next deepest sensual experience is the sense of justice.

Race is an invention, not a noticeable genetic presence, and cultural traits are brute concoctions of the social sciences.

the most sacred business of judges is not to ratify the will of the majority but to protect the minority from its tyranny.

War is the greatest of all crimes; and yet there is no aggressor who does not color his crime with the pretext of justice.

The rights of no oppressed people have ever yet been obtained by a voluntary act of justice on the part of the oppressors.

Life is never easy. There is work to be done and obligations to be met - obligations to truth, to justice, and to liberty.

It is brought home to you...that it is only because miners sweat their guts out that superior persons can remain superior.

Justice wields an erratic sword, grants mercy to fortunate few. Yet if man doesn't fight for her, 'tis chaos he's left to.

I have observed in foolish awe The dateless mid-days of the law And seen indifferent justice done By everyone on everyone.

Publicity is the very soul of justice. It is the keenest spur to exertion, and the surest of all guards against improbity.

We fancy men are individuals; so are pumpkins; but every pumpkin in the field goes through every point of pumpkin history.

I was born in a place humans call central Africa, in a dense rain forest so beautiful, no crayons could ever do it justice.

The business of popularizing crime is how we expose the faults in our justice system. It's how we expose police misconduct.

Justice must be blind to the hardness or softness of a man's hands, as well as to the leanness or fatness of his pocketbook

He only is a true atheist to whom the predicates of the Divine Being - for example, love, wisdom and justice - are nothing.

In America there must be only citizens, not divided by grade, first and second, but citizens, east, west, north, and south.

Our domestic Napoleons, too many of them, give flattery, bonnets and bracelets to women, and everything else but - justice.

Martha Stewart was convicted of four counts of lying and obstruction of justice and could serve up to 20 years in Congress.

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