When every benefit received is a right, there is no place for good manners, let alone for gratitude.
Social justice rests on the hate towards those that enjoy a comfortable position, namely, upon envy.
Justice and truth are two such subtle points, that our tools are too blunt to touch them accurately.
To threaten the institution is to threaten fair administration of justice and protection of liberty.
If you want know what sort of a justice I would make, then look at what sort of a judge I have been.
Justice has nothing to do with what goes on in a courtroom; Justice is what comes out of a courtroom
God's justice, tardy though it prove perchance, Rests never on the track until it reach Delinquency.
The justice of our cause must be reflected in the manner in which we rectify the crimes of the past.
If there were any justice in this world, people would occasionally be permitted to fly over pigeons.
Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, . . . neither persons nor property will be safe.
White people who are doing this work need to make their stories known to serve as guides for others.
In the name of justice there cannot be subjection and in the name of peace there cannot be impunity.
The most reasonable man always manages, when he pulls the trigger, to become a dispenser of justice.
Our minorities alone are in a position to know what the fathers of our democracy were talking about.