Sometimes it feels like my life is just one long day.

But you can love more than just one person, can't you?

It's all just one film to me. Just different chapters.

It was great fun, But it was just one of those things.

I wanna be involved in everything, not just one thing.

A person's life is hopefully more than just one thing.

We all have different sides; nobody is just one thing.

I make music for the whole world, not just one borough.

Revolution is just one crowd taking power from another.

I have so many favorite authors; I can't name just one.

I do date quite small men. And one large man! Just one.

I cannot be confined to just one or two kinds of music.

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

We're just one rock surrounded by this immense universe.

After all, just one virus on a computer is one too many.

I think I have made just one picture that I really like.

My motivation is tomorrow, just one day at a time, right?

There's just one thing I can't figure out. My income tax!

Cristiano is just one more player who is always motivated.

I won't name any names but I'll name just one, David Dein.

Just one great idea can completely revolutionize your life.

If you're going to start a fire, why cook just one chicken?

My only friends were boys, and I was just one more of them.

I am just one of many thousands called to be an evangelist.

We have to have pride in not just one people but all people.

Do just one thing every day in the direction of your dreams.

The release date is just one day, but the record is forever.

Just one thing has to change, and that's me staying healthy.

I like to think there's more to a person than just one thing.

Playing music is just one of the best things. I can't retire.

I don't think any of us like to be reduced to just one label.

I never really work on just one CD - I'm recording, recording.

Just one smile Immensely increases the beauty Of the universe.

There isn't just one kind of person that can play a superhero.

Football is just one part of me. It's not the be-all, end all.

I would like just one time to be on the cover of Italian Vogue.

Entrepreneurship is just one thing that needs to be in schools.

It was just one of those moments in the universe that was mine.

I want to show people there's not just one way of being Muslim.

Bitcoin is just one example of something that uses a blockchain.

The Earth is just one place of many that we could hang our hats.

Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall.

Salma is just one of the great goddesses ever put on this Earth.

Women look at the full measure of the man, not just one comment.

Boxing is serious. It's not a game. Just one punch - change life.

My daughter had cancer in both eyes - and we could save just one.

I want us to have just one of the biggest shows in rock and roll.

Eliza Bennett is just one of the brightest girls I have ever met.

It's so comforting to have a small piece of cake. Just one slice.

I didn't have just one place where I could say, 'That's my home.'

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