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A Stander-by is often a better judge of the game than those that play.
A good and faithful judge ever prefers the honorable to the expedient.
I don't judge other people's work and I don't see enough of it either.
It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.
Nobody wants a judge to be subject to the political whim of the moment.
Who are we to judge somebody for who he's allowed to fall in love with?
It's simply not bias for a judge to explain her reasoning in a dissent.
You can never really judge your work because once it's done, it's done.
You simply can't judge a team's football from the country it comes from.
I don't think a judge should be too much involved in outside activities.
The trial of a case is a three-legged stool - a judge and two advocates.
I wouldn't mind being a talent show judge if it didn't run for too long.
A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law.
It's really hard to judge people until you see what they do with the job.
As an actor, the first thing you learn in drama school is you never judge.
I think you judge your career by the scripts that are being sent your way.
Radio 1 doesn't exist to me. I don't judge my success by anything they say.
We are all inclined to judge ourselves by our ideals; others by their acts.
You cannot look at a person and judge him or her by the color of their skin.
If I was Judge Del Rosario, I would say Ili, of all people, you know better.
In any walk of life, it's very easy to judge people's actions in retrospect.
I am, as I am; whether hideous, or handsome, depends upon who is made judge.
I've never liked to judge other people in the hope that they won't judge me.
Everyone will someday be judged for what they do, and Jah is the only judge.
When you're offstage, that's the footprint. That's the man God's gonna judge.
I don't like to judge. Fashion is a form of expression, so to each their own.
Youth is ever apt to judge in haste, and lose the medium in the wild extreme.
I personally want to come across as authentic and real. I don't judge anyone.
A bankruptcy judge can fix your balance sheet, but he cannot fix your company.
There is a profound difference between an activist judge and an engaged judge.
I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge?
Prison make you a better judge of character. You pick up on people much faster.
I'm not the judge. You know, God didn't tell me to go around judging everybody.
Why do you judge me as a musician, John? All I'm interested in is making money.
I think I have the skills. I'm a great judge of talent. I just know basketball.
Tell the FBI that the kidnappers should pick out a judge that Nixon wants back.
Men judge us by the success of our efforts. God looks at the efforts themselves.
There is one kind of judge. There is an independent judge under our Constitution.
A bumper of good liquor will end a contest quicker than justice, judge, or vicar.
Success, however you judge what that even means, brings with it certain pressures.
One of the first things I was taught as an actor was, 'Don't judge the character.'
You get to a certain age and you can't judge yourself on your dad or your parents.
If we judge love by most of its effects, it resembles rather hatred than affection.
I have been a judge for 15 years and I've made up my own mind during all that time.
Romanticism has never been properly judged. Who was there to judge it? The critics!
I love a woman, I love to judge how beautiful she is, how beautiful I can make her.
He who obeys God's laws finds him a father. He who disobeys them, finds him a judge.
How easy it is to judge rightly after one sees what evil comes from judging wrongly!
I try not to judge because I've been judged a heck of a lot, and it don't feel nice.
I'm not here to judge, I'm here to empower women to figure out what's best for them.