Sleep in peace, and wake in joy.

Home joys are blessed of heaven.

My joy is as painful as my pain.

Gratitude is the seedbed of joy.

It's an ongoing joy being a dad.

Resistance is the secret of joy!

Joy is not a thing, it is in us.

Obey Him with glad reckless joy.

Never let anyone steal your joy.

The purpose of your life is Joy.

Rediscover the joy of believing.

Joy is the vital air of the soul.

Our goal should be to achieve joy

The hurt you embrace becomes joy.

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.

The joy late coming late departs.

Be a dynamo of irrepressible joy!

False expectations take away joy.

Joy is the sheer evidence of God.

"The root of joy is gratefulness."

The joy of the young is to disobey

Pain is short, and joy is eternal.

Men without joy seem like corpses.

We're born to be happy, all of us.

Sorrow is brief but joy is endless

I get my highs from using my eyes. runs deeper than despair.

All recurring joy is pain refined.

There is no joy without gratitude.

Happiness seems made to be shared.

Joy is not in things; it is in us.

A flower blossoms for its own joy.

Joy is the true gift of Christmas.

Being, not doing, is my first joy.

I feel joy when I do a great show.

There is no time like the pleasant.

My children are a joy to be around.

This dance is the joy of existence.

Comparison is the thief of all joy.

What a joy it is to dance and sing!

Pain is not a conduit to art or joy

And her joy was nearly like sorrow.

Without pain, we couldn't know joy.

Delight in the scenery of each day.

Feel the joy .. feel the happiness.

Multiplicity without strife is joy.

Books are like my one and only joy.

People are entitled to joy in work.

Unrest of spirit is a mark of life.

My greatest joy is just to be alive!

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