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I was fascinated, long before I joined the SNP, in the world around me; current affairs really interested me.
I never studied anything, really. I didn't study the drums. I joined bands and made all the mistakes onstage.
After I joined Alkmaar, I didn't score for seven League games, but soon afterwards, I started to score goals.
When I joined the music scene, a lot of big-ticket singers were not getting good work... It was a lean phase.
The band changes one guy, sometimes the whole damn thing changes - look what happened when I joined Van Halen.
In college, I joined a team Bible study. God's Word brought me peace and a desire for a relationship with Him.
I joined the army because I was a very self-sufficient young man. I always wanted to stand on my own two feet.
After being signed for 'Madras Cafe,' I joined Jogi Singh's acting classes, where I learned the basic nuances.
I wasn't ready for the majors when I joined the Pirates in 1955. I was too young and didn't know my way around.
I joined the Secret Service in June 1999 as a special agent and vividly remember an agency brimming with pride.
If all the ways I have been along were marked on a map and joined up with a line, it might represent a minotaur.
I came to writing because I joined the North Clare Writers' Workshop, which met every week at Ennistymon Library.
When I joined 'WhatsApp,' I was 38 years old. Opportunity is available to us in all walks of life and at all ages.
Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.
What was the American Revolution? The people who joined to carry it out had different views of what they had done.
I joined the swim team when I was 12, and I was the worst kid in the pool - I was put with a group of 7-year-olds.
I never went overseas until I left school and joined West Ham United Football Club at the beginning of the Sixties.
I've never joined any organization - not even the ones I've organized myself. I prize my own independence too much.
I had stopped going to church the moment I joined the Regiment. No more could my mother nag me into God's presence.
In the early 2000s, I started selling some short stories to horror markets. I joined the Horror Writers Association.
All I've ever wanted is to improve myself and become the best, which is the reason I joined Real in the first place.
I moved back to Boston and joined some of my Harvard classmates at Bain & Co. I quickly realized I enjoyed business.
After the Soviet withdrawal, many Afghan Communists had rebranded themselves as Islamists and joined the mujahedeen.
I could have moved to Russia, earned more money, and felt more relaxed. But I chose another option and joined Lazio.
My dad joined Langley in 1964 as a co-op student and retired in 2004 an internationally respected climate scientist.
I used to be like a normal IIT student to be very honest. Then I joined the dramatics society there in IIT Kharagpur.
Fans should remember Thierry Henry when he joined Arsenal. He didn't score much before becoming an icon of this club.
Lis Sladen was very important to me, you know. When I joined the little world of 'Doctor Who', Lis was already a star.
Singing was always the thing - I played some leads in musicals. Then when I went to college, I joined a singing group.
I played the trumpet for nine years, and then I joined the choir after that, and then I was in musicals in high school.
I was one of the first artists to have a YouTube account, if not the first. I joined two months after the site launched.
By the time I left ESPN in 2003, 'SportsCenter' had become a far different show than the one I initially joined in 1996.
I came to Silicon Valley in 1997 and joined WebEx. At that time, WebEx was small, only 10 engineers and two co-founders.
I never went into acting to be able to scare everybody. If I'd wanted to frighten people, I could have joined the C.I.A.
Mike is a genius guitar player and keyboard player. I realized that, with this group, I just joined Mike Keneally's band!
My other brother-in-law died. He was a karate expert, then joined the army. The first time he saluted, he killed himself.
I was in high school and 9/11 happened. My boyfriend joined the army and I was extremely disgusted with this war fervour.
By the time I joined the 'Washington Post' sports staff in 1979, Red's Runyonesque notion of sports writing was obsolete.
I ultimately joined the Labour Party and became an MP because the country and my constituents deserve a Labour government.
For the production of 'Jodi' I have joined hands with Amrinder Gill, but he would not be seen on the screen for this film.
When I joined films in 2002, there were all kinds of rash and unkind comments that were made about my looks in the reviews.
I can't tell you how excited I was when I joined my first book club, but I can tell you how much I immediately regretted it.
I joined 'Hollyoaks' because in the long-term, I thought it's good money, it's good profile, and everything happens in soaps!
With my wife I don't get no respect. I made a toast on her birthday to 'the best woman a man ever had.' The waiter joined me.
I played trumpet in school once because I joined band because a cute boy played trumpet too. And I was really bad at trumpet.
When I joined Arsenal in 2000 I learned a lot from Dennis Bergkamp. He was the mind of the team and he made things look easy.
I loved movies and watched a lot of them. But my father insisted that I get a good education before I joined the film industry.
I am delighted to have joined Manchester United. To work with Jose Mourinho once again was an opportunity I couldn't turn down.
I joined the army after 9/11, after the Iraq war was started. I joined in part because I wanted to go fight on the front lines.
My life did a 180 when I joined Bullet Club. Joining Bullet Club opened the door to New Japan for me. It made me more valuable.