Some women need no jewels to make them sparkle. You are one of them. -Royce Westmoreland

Some men's memory is like a box where a man should mingle his jewels with his old shoes.

Some men's memory is like a box where a man should mingle his jewels with his old shoes.

Creative industries are more important than the car industry, luxury jewels, and fashion.

One really understands testicles after reading 'The Family Jewels,' and one is gratified.

Have I caught thee, my heavenly jewel? Why, now let me die, for I have lived long enough.

The crown jewel of Dr. King`s movement was to protect the right to vote for all citizens.

In the pit of red You hid from the bone-clinic whiteness But the jewel you lost was blue.

The earth is like a beautiful bride who needs no manmade jewels to heighten her loveliness.

The stars are the jewels of the night, and perchance surpass anything which day has to show.

I think we have such a crown jewel in the forgiveness of God, and it changes people's lives.

Men would wither and custom stale them, but diamonds! Ah, they were crystallized immortality!

Everlasting life is a jewel of too great a value to be purchased by the wealth of this world.

In first grade, I told my friends I had a third story in my house filled with jewels and lions.

I am Black because I come from the earth's inside now take my word for jewel in the open light.

We're not lowly sinners, we're not worthless beings. We are something jewel-like and beautiful.

There is a life in you, search that life, search the secret jewel in the mountain of your body.

I try to sprinkle a little gems and jewels in the music that people could use in their own life.

I almost rented a house by an architect named Schindler, but I couldn't afford it. It was a jewel

Healthcare is the cornerstone of the socialist state. It is the crown jewel of the welfare state.

It would be a shame to lose the precious jewel of liberation in the mud of ignorant body building.

The total number of Dirichlet's publications is not large: jewels are not weighed on a grocery scale.

Rings and other jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only gift is a portion of thyself.

There is no jewel in the world comparable to learning; no learning so excellent as knowledge of laws.

I've never blown an ugly bubble. Never. They're all beautiful. They're like jewels, transient jewels.

When a woman dresses up for an occasion, the man should become the black velvet pillow for the jewel.

It is always the same: women bedeck themselves with jewels and furs, and men with wit and quotations.

Put your soul in the palm of my hand for me to look at, like a crystal jewel. I'll sketch it in words.

Ever since I met [my wife], my life has been different. I have what I want. I have my Jewel in Millie.

O troubled forms, O early love unfortunate and hard, Time has estranged you into a jewel cold and pure

It was Ba's inspiration which helped me reach the heights of my inner self. She was my priceless jewel.

Fang! Angel?" i yelled, not even trying for stealth. i was storming the castle, not stealing the jewels.

When you find a waiter who is a waiter and not an actor, writer, musician or poet, you've found a jewel.

I'm completely anti-establishment; the only thing I like about the Queen are her scarves and her jewels.

Jewel-Like the immortaldoes not boast of its length of yearsbut of the scintillating point of the moment.

He goes for stark versus accessorized, dark over bright, jewel tone instead of pastel, carnal over flirty.

I'd rather wear jewels in my hair than anywhere else. The face should have the advantage of this brilliance.

Jewels! It's my belief that when woman was made, jewels were invented only to make her the more mischievous.

There's a treasury full of jade and jewels; It is in you. Don't go searching far from home for it-it's here.

Truth is a jewel which should not be painted over; but it may be set to advantage and shown in a good light.

San Franciscans know we live in the most beautiful city in the world, a jewel on the edge of the Golden Gate

Only those who have felt the knife can understand the wound, only the jeweller knows the nature of the jewel.

I saw the S.B.A. with just enormous potential, and that's what I told the president - this is really a jewel.

Liberty, the greatest of all earthly blessings - give us that precious jewel and you may take everything else!

Funny, 'ow you can 'old a jewel in your 'and, and toss it away, and not even know what you 'ad until it's gone.

I don't know whether it's the finest public housing in America or the crown jewel of the American penal system.

Her hatred glittered irresistibly. I could see it, the jewel, it was sapphire, it was the cold lakes of Norway.

Sweet are the uses of adversity which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in his head.

Look deeply; I arrive in every second to be a bud on a spring branch ... to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.

Jewels! Today each twig is important, each ring, each infection, each form is all that the gods must have meant.

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