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Jazz is a racist musical form invented by whites to enslave blacks.
When I got pretty good I went on the road with a group. We starved.
That's the jazz that I like - the stuff that has a soothing effect.
I like chords that are very lush with all the lush parts taken out.
A jazz musician is a juggler who uses harmonies instead of oranges.
Lately I've been listening to some classical music again, some jazz.
Records used to be documents, but now record companies want product.
To me, jazz is the closest thing to insanity that there is in music.
It was liberating to do comedy. It felt like playing in a jazz band.
Rock and jazz came together in a very powerful way on 'Barabajagal.'
Trouble follows me wherever I go. Thing I'm in is just a sack o'woe.
Jazz comes from anywhere the human being has a soul and has a heart.
Artie Shaw was way ahead of most clarinetists and most jazz players.
The drummer; he inspired me to play like no one else I have ever met.
Boxing is like jazz. The better it is, the less people appreciate it.
It's not exclusive, but inclusive, which is the whole spirit of jazz.
When you are so strongly drawn to music, you can't not be a musician.
It seems that jazz is more cerebral and more mathematical in a sense.
I like all kinds of music, though I tend to prefer jazz and classics.
I'd like to play for you one of my compositions, my only composition.
Bach was a top harmonist geezer, which is why the jazz cats love him.
You will never know what the meaning of Jazz is if ask what it means.
I love good rock'n'roll, blues and jazz, gospel, and a little reggae.
So I went into jazz and performed in jazz clubs all over the country.
We're working as if it were going out of style-which of course it is.
Music is a gift and a burden I've had since I can remember who I was.
I used to sing in jazz clubs with a friend until she went another way.
Diana Krall knocks me out. I like jazz and I like her simple approach.
Jazz speaks for life. The Blues tell the story of life's difficulties.
External instruments are only extensions of the biological instrument.
I don't know if I have enough guts to do a whole standard jazz record.
My personal trainer is an ex-dancer so we do a lot of ballet and jazz.
The value of music is not dazzling yourself and others with technique.
I listen to jazz and gospel... yeah that's basically what I listen to.
I think Wes Montgomery is the greatest jazz guitarist that ever lived.
I'm not going to play funk licks on a jazz album. That makes no sense.
It's like an act of murder - you play with intent to commit something.
If I'm not saying it in four choruses or less, then I'm not saying it.
Brownstein's is a fresh and jaunty voice, with a jazz snap all his own.
Jazz is played from the heart. You can even live by it. Always love it.
Because it has such a ragged movement. It suggests something like that.
Sarah Vaughan was the Charlie Parker of the vocalists during the 1950s.
I never liked blues and I really didn't like jazz. I liked Chuck Berry.
I became a jazz fan quite early and never went off the path thereafter.
I like mellow music. I like some jazz. But I'm not a big hard rock guy.
Oscar Peterson is the greatest living influence on jazz pianists today.
I work very hard at being the best musician I can be because I love it.
Jazz is like a telescope, and a lot of other music is like a microscope.
I don't understand the music but I certainly understand the girl singer!
My first relationship to any kind of musical situation is as a listener.