I learn something new every day.

Miles'd got killed if he hit me.

Always pack your uniform on top.

We must be as pure as our music.

Jazz was uplifted by what I did.

I did jazz dance for a few years.

Painting, I think it's like jazz.

I have a lot of albums yet to do.

Jazz is what I play for a living.

Blow your life through your horn.

Imitate, assimilate, and innovate.

Jazz is America's classical music.

Jazz is about being in the moment.

Jazz is the music of unemployment.

I don't dig staying in one groove.

There is no art without intention.

The rhythm of life is a jazz rhythm

Sustained intensity equals ecstacy.

I do find modern jazz quite tricky.

I grew up around jazz. I love jazz.

It's always fun to talk about jazz.

I think I was supposed to play jazz.

This is so nice, it must be illegal.

Jazz is a good barometer of freedom.

I was totally into jazz in my teens.

You've got to learn your instrument.

Jazz is progressive, and it's alive.

Jazz is a beautiful word. I love it.

Never lose the groove to find a note.

Jazz is the language of the emotions.

Jazz never ends... it just continues.

When you sing, always tell the truth.

Jazz is the art of thinking out loud.

There’s no such thing as a wrong note.

A genius is the one most like himself.

And I used to listen to a lot of jazz.

Jazz is freedom. You think about that.

I'm a trumpet player, and I sing jazz.

They flat their fifths, we drink ours.

To play without passion is inexcusable!

Is jazz a rhythm, or is it a vibration?

Jazz is people's music, a collectivity.

In music the passions enjoy themselves.

There is no such thing as a wrong note.

I never sing a song the same way twice.

Never play anything the same way twice.

Always look ahead, but never look back.

Composing is improvisation slowed down.

The jazz musician's function is to feel.

The true artform is being a human being.

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