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In Japan, animation is a big part of your media diet. I moved out to Los Angeles at 9, and when I got homesick, I would watch anime.
I worked with guys in Japan that were champions and they came over here for six months or a year and they treated them like garbage.
I do think that Japan will be one of the nations that have equality, and that, too, will serve as an example for other Asian nations.
Of course I wanted to main-event wrestling matches in TNA, but in their eyes, no, that would not happen. So I went back to New Japan.
I'm going to show you how we do it in New Japan Pro Wrestling. That's what you get whenever I wrestle, whoever's in the ring with me.
Everything can draw inspiration: a vintage cloth, a book, a street-when I was in Japan, I was deeply inspired by Japanese pharmacies.
I just want everybody to understand and fully know that the United States of America stands behind Japan, its great ally, 100 percent.
In Japan, skating is like NHL hockey in Canada or baseball in the U.S., so pushing the limit is very enticing. Skating is their lives.
I feel as if I accomplished everything in Japan, so I wanted to challenge myself. I wanted something new, so I decided to come to WWE.
[People] are tired of being ripped off by every single country that does business with us. Whether it's China, Japan, Mexico, Vietnam.
Our failure to properly deal with Germany and Japan early cost the world dearly later on. We dare not make the same mistake with China.
When you're a kid and you're in a classroom, anybody would die to be hanging out in London or having their sixteenth birthday in Japan.
Tokyo is huge. Something like 15 million people live there, and my estimate is that at any given moment, 14.7 million of them are lost.
When you mail Ichiro something from the States, you only have to use that name on the address and he gets it (in Japan). He's that big.
The Japanese Prime Minister has apologized for Japan's part in World War II. However, he still hasn't mentioned anything about karaoke.
I was born in Japan and raised in Japan, but those are the only things that make me Japanese, I've grown up reading books from all over.
Actually, I live in FL now. But, I mean, of course I'm very honored to be playing for Japan. But my dad's side is Haitian, so represent.
As the largest and most developed democracies of Asia (India and Japan), we have a mutual stake in each other's progress and prosperity.
We have debuted in Japan and Korea, but we also really want to make songs in other languages for global fans if there is an opportunity.
Modern life is so thin and shallow and fake. I look forward to when developers go bankrupt, Japan gets poorer and wild grasses take over.
The last time I was in Japan as President of Russia was 11 years ago, if memory serves. I later visited in my capacity as Prime Minister.
The conflict between Japan and Chiang is little affected by the fall of the Wuhan cities and Sino-Japanese hostilities have just started.
When I went to Japan, I was with Kashima Antlers. Very good results were produced with that team as I aimed to develop Japanese football.
As the U.S. ambassador to Japan, I see this challenge of our younger generations not knowing each other as well as the prior generations.
My parents thought I was crazy. When I graduated, you didn't hear of basketball players going to Japan. Everyone went to Europe somewhere.
My father was an engineer working for a textile company that had several factories scattered in rural towns in the southern part of Japan.
For decades, Japan has been a friend and reliable trading partner with the United States, and I anticipate that relationship will prosper.
I think that people here expect miracles. American management thinks that they can just copy from Japan - but they don't know what to copy!
Before 2000, we were unable to design a single car; all the cars were designed in Japan, Europe or somewhere else. We were just converting.
I love playing in Japan! It's always like being in the ancient past and the future at the same time. And the fans sing along to every word.
For me, trying to expand the energy to make one movie in Hollywood would be the equivalent in terms of energy to making 10 movies in Japan.
For children of my generation, anime was an escape from Japan's loser complex following World War II. Anime wasn't foreign. It was our own.
We have made a decision in our economy to lower taxes on successful risk-taking and have been very successful relative to Europe and Japan.
I've wrestled Rich Swann countless times. I've faced Akira Tozawa in Japan and America. Zack Sabre Jr. is another guy I've faced many times.
Games are considered to be in the sub-culture category, coming under movies, coming under manga or comics or animation, especially in Japan.
Playing in Japan suits me the best, but what I need is in the Majors. I felt that in order to do my job, I needed to change my job location.
A lot of times we work across multiple platforms. We'll go to Japan working on the tsunami for 'Nightly News' and it'll end up on 'Dateline.'
Lets see, I remember the first time I went to Japan, I loved that because I was taller than everyone! I'm only 5'7' but in Japan that's good!
Japan had an energy crisis. I thought, instead of just worrying about it, I should take some kind of responsibility to provide the solutions.
When I was maybe 22, 23 years old or so, I was sort of floating in between New Japan, Ring of Honor, TNA - not really committed to one place.
Self-respect, the value of 'face,' is universal but is most pronounced in China, then in Japan where the Confucian ethic is most influential.
May was so great to work with, he even took me over to Japan for some dates. It blew me away when he let me play his guitar on stage with him.
In Japan, a company worker's position is secure. He is retrained for another job if his present job is eliminated by productivity improvement.
Whenever I go overseas I buy funny eyelashes. For example the same brand that are in Japan and England are different styles. So I bought both.
Our military thought that they couldn't get to Pearl Harbor, that it was too long a journey from Japan to get there, and they proved us wrong.
But anything that you hear about Japan is nothing like what you see when you actually go over there and see it, you know, in a real situation.
We find Japan a little more difficult to understand because it has proven its 20th century prowess though the ancient traditions still persist.
I'm resolved to be active on diplomacy as Japan further develops relationships based on trust and cooperation with countries including the U.S.
I remember standing across from Rampage Jackson when I was younger - I watched him when I was coming up - and then I was fighting him in Japan.
In Japan, there has always been a small number of musicians who have been outspoken on social issues, but they tend to be dismissed as radical.