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Before anything can break your heart, it must first own your heart. Stop handing your heart to dunya-it'll stop breaking it.
The more I know, the best I believe. The more I know, the best I'm worshiping Him. Because, in the end Allah knows the best.
Moderation is part of faith, so those who accuse Muslim schools of fostering fanaticism should learn a bit more about Islam.
On the basis of both values and interests, the natural relationship between Islam and the United States is one of friendship.
The word 'Islam' means 'peace.' The word 'Muslim' means 'one who surrenders to God.' But the press makes us seem like haters.
Christianity and Judaism have gone through the laundromat of humanism and enlightenment, but that is not the case with Islam.
In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing. And the only thing that will remain will be Islam.
Islam has always been a part of America’s story.... And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States.
Practically the only way to dry the swamp of radical Islam is through economic development and an improved standard of living.
We swear by the Quran and Sunnah, and we will not compromise with any infidel... Islam is the truth and all else is falsehood.
In the first decade of the twenty-first century, the major international question was the relation between Islam and democracy.
Isis want to destroy the knowledge that Islam is a beautiful, scientific and intelligent culture, and we are way ahead of them.
The problem with Islam is that it's a law, not a religion, and it's incompatible with our values, our rights, and our freedoms.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.
The struggle against radical Islam should be a joint struggle, and everyone should say, 'There - we are sacrificing something.'
Democracy sometimes appears paralyzed by those who take advantage of its freedoms in order to abuse them for undemocratic ends.
...it is time [for Islam] to assume, along with all of the great cultural traditions, the modern risks of scientific knowledge.
Doctrines like Christianity or Islam or Marxism require unanimity of belief. One dissenter casts doubt on the creed of millions.
The rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria has been a disaster for the public image of Islam - and a boon for the Islamophobia industry.
The entrenched beliefs many westerners profess about Islam often reveal more about the West than they do about Islam or Muslims.
There's no way to reconcile Islam with Christianity. This difference of opinion admits of compromise as much as a coin toss does.
We are not at war with the Afghani people, and we are not at war with Islam, which most Americans respect as a religion of peace.
I believe Islam was truly spread by example. So whatever good a Muslim does publicly will be seen - the same is true for the bad.
Again and again, when Westerners are perceived as denigrating Muhammad, the Koran, or Islam, Islamists demonstrate, riot or kill.
Allah knows exactly what to give you to help you return to Him. The events in your life are purposeful, appropriate & non-random.
I have travelled a great deal - to Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt - and can very well differentiate between moderate Muslims and Islam.
Archaeologists have made discoveries that challenge fundamental traditions of Judaism as well as those of Christianity and Islam.
But when I reintroduced the Nation of Islam, and began to host meetings in cities and thousands and thousands of people come out.
Islamism is not Islam. Islamism is the politicisation of Islam, the desire to impose a version of this ancient faith over society.
You accepted Allah or you had your throat cut by someone who did accept him, and who went to Paradise for having sent you to Hell.
My aim is to show that those governments that violate the rights of people by invoking the name of Islam have been misusing Islam.
Muhammad established a religion by putting his enemies to death; Jesus Christ by commanding his followers to lay down their lives.
We are in a struggle against the forces of radical Islam and terror, which must be defeated for our children and our grandchildren.
People have to be exposed to Muslims, just experience Muslims; talk to them. Reach out, read about Islam, try to find out about it.
Ramadan is an important part of Islam, and when you are observing it, God is happy with you and you have to have a big celebration.
I have studied him - the wonderful man - and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ he must be called the saviour of humanity.
Like fundamentalist Judaism and medieval Christianity, Islam is totalist. That is to say, it makes a total claim on the individual.
Acts of violence against one's own countrymen that are legitimated by religion are not new. Nor have such acts been unique to Islam.
Islam came to teach us that there is no faith without intelligence and here we are: destroying our intelligence in the name of faith.
The unimaginable brutality of this latest manifestation of Political Islam in the Arab world is too much to bear for many Muslim Arab
There are many nice, peaceful Muslims, but the Netherlands is far too tolerant regarding the statements of the radical wing of Islam.
The role of religions in the domination and destruction of African civilizations was ruthless... Islam was as guilty as all the rest.
No, Islam did not free African-Americans from slavery, not in Africa and not in Europe or America. Evangelical Christianity did that.
False religions like Islam who teach that you must worship this way, are completely opposite with what our First Amendment stands for.
There is no problem with Islam itself or with the Muslims, but these are difficult times, and the difficulty stems from radical Islam.
The sword of Mahomet, and the Coran, are the most stubborn enemies of Civilisation, Liberty, and Truth, which the world has yet known.
In my opinion, fundamentalist Christians are just as bad as fundamentalist Islam and, at the very core, neither religion is like that.
My faith in Islam is not unlike my faith in the game of basketball: Both require immense determination, focus, passion and discipline.
In their rush to placate everyone and offend no one - and in particular to pander to Islam - the Left wants to shut down Christianity.
No idea is above scrutiny. No idea whatsoever. To criticize, to scrutinize and to satirize my own religion [Islam] is not Islamophobia.