Religion is an irrational construct.

The irrational haunts the metaphysical.

I think life's an irrational obsession.

Sometimes motorists do irrational things.

Hate is irrational. I am a rational person.

People are irrational - and predictably so.

It's the irrational things that interest me.

Irrational judgements lead to new experience.

Your trust in rationality makes you irrational.

Irrational lenders come and go - mostly they go!

All religions are, in some basic sense, irrational.

I am bundle of nerves riddled with irrational fears.

All great art contains an element of the irrational.

Irrational beliefs are culturally accepted delusions.

My job is making irrational people do rational things.

The advance of science spares us from irrational dread.

I actually have a very real, irrational fear of zombies.

Our society is full of hypocrites and irrational people.

I see no reason to have my shirts ironed. It's irrational.

Fashion somehow, for me, is purely and happily irrational.

Addicts are ALWAYS irrational when it comes to their habits.

It's a completely irrational decision to drop out of school.

I'm irrational about all things creative and I'm always late!

I'm irrational about all things creative, and I'm always late!

My position is that we should not succumb to irrational belief.

I just think there is so much irrational pessimism in the world.

We expect others to act rationally even though we are irrational.

Sleep is the gateway to those nightly visitations of the irrational.

I think it would be very foolish not to take the irrational seriously.

It is the mission of the twentieth century to elucidate the irrational.

I am a reasonable and sane functionalist tempered by irrational frivolity.

The ending of irrational fantasies is always going to come as a rude jolt.

Resolved, never to suffer the least motions of anger to irrational beings.

I have no prejudices: all my irrational hatreds are based on solid evidence.

All that is real in human history becomes irrational in the process of time.

How do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values?

Great art is as irrational as great music. It is mad with its own loveliness.

I often worry that my idea of personhood is nostalgic, irrational, inaccurate.

If something is irrational, that means it won't work. It's usually unrealistic.

The irrational thoughts were the ones with the power to burn holes in your gut.

Why are women always described as 'desperate,' while men are just... irrational?

Poetry involves the mysteries of the irrational perceived through rational words.

Distortions control my self-image, like they do for a lot of us. It's irrational.

Humans were eventually irrational creatures gifted with the power of rationality.

Nothing could be more irrational than the idea that something comes from nothing.

In the '90s it was irrational exuberance. Now it may be irrational doom and gloom.

If the world is irrational, we can never know it -- either it or its irrationality.

You need to go and find someone to teach you the rudiments of irrational discourse.

Racists are irrational and illogical in their attempts to justify their prejudices.

I'm not a monarchist. But I'm English. And I have an irrational emotion for my country.

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