Don’t be fooled. The battle between Iran and ISIS doesn’t turn Iran into a friend of America.

Apparently Iran thinks that it can continue to deceive the world in order to reach its goals.

I'm prepared to continue doing what we need to do to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

Every year, the State Department declares Iran to be the world's primary supporter of terror.

If Iran gets a nuclear weapon, its influence and that of Hamas and Hezbollah are strengthened.

Iran is part of the problem, not the solution. And the Russian government is ignoring reality.

I don't want anything to affect my freedom, and we don't want Saudi Arabia to be another Iran.

Look at what's happening, how Iran is taunting us. Look at what's going on, look at the world.

No one disputes Iran's destabilizing influence in the Middle East or role in killing Americans.

I trust Russia and China and Iran and North Korea like I trust a Jussie Smollett police report.

There's no embassy for the United States in Iran. So, Iranians process those in other countries.

The world should be very clear about making sure that Iran does not get nuclear weapons, period.

Iran's military hardware is less than a fraction of that of any of the countries in this region.

Iran is actively pursuing the development of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles.

If we can deter the Soviet Union, if we can deter North Korea, why on earth can't we deter Iran?

It was an agreement between Saddam (Hussein) and the shah of Iran and not between Iraq and Iran.

If I do continue to have the opportunity to work in Iran, that's very much what I'd prefer to do.

Iran wants to join the group of countries that want to know about the biggest things, like space.

The Iran nuclear issue is on top of the agenda. It is a very complicated issue with long history.

Whether we report Iran to the council or not, I believe the only way forward is through diplomacy.

Unfortunately, the international community is not ready to deal with Iran's repeated provocations.

The government of Iran claims that every two years there are elections. But none of them are free.

Our family has lived in Iran for 2,500 years, and Iranian Jewry has the long history in that land.

Years ago, I predicted that Iran would take over Iraq. Iran and Iraq used to fight back and forth.

Iran can never get a nuclear weapon, and it never will as long as I have anything to say about it.

If you are a businessman or a politician in Iran, you can get a visa as quickly as you ask for it.

Beijing would indeed consider vetoing any American effort to sanction Iran at the Security Council.

I just wish we knew a little less about his urethra and a little more about his arms sales to Iran.

My mom, who left Iran in 1976, steeped us in the smells, tastes, and traditions of Persian cuisine.

I think the attempt to draw a comparison between Iran and Syria is false, misleading and dangerous.

The Senate must approve any deal President Obama negotiates with Iran by a two-thirds majority vote.

I very strongly supported the agreement which makes certain that Iran does not get a nuclear weapon.

Reporting Iran's dossier to the UN security council will be unconstructive and the end of diplomacy.

[Barack Obama] gives away $400 million in cash, but it turns out to $1.7 billion in cash [for Iran].

Show me one Iranian diplomat we killed! I can show you many Saudi diplomats who were killed by Iran.

We have to figure out how to deal with Iran as the principal state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

That's all before the crisis. We always have this kind of cooperation with Iran [Supplies, weaponry].

One letter to bin Laden reveals that al Qaeda was working on chemical and biological weapons in Iran.

On my watch, Iran will not become a regional power. And I will not hesitate to use force when needed.

Hillary Clinton's policies unleashed ISIS, spread terrorism and put Iran on a path to nuclear weapons.

The fact is that Iran doesn't want to see the Taliban come back any more than do most Afghan citizens.

I think it's reality that Iran is going to have influence in Iraq. All elements of Iraq accepted that.

I guess the biggest surprise I got going to Iran was that the Iranians really liked me as an American.

America is a very fundamentalist society. It's like Iran in the degree of fanatic religious commitment.

Iran has proxies in Yemen, Syria, Iraq. You can push back against Iran without pulling out of the deal.

In Iran, fundamentalism was fuelled to an extent by the regime of the Shah being supported by the West.

I believe, that there is at least de facto cooperation between United States and Iran, at least in Iraq.

I would have never released the sanctions [for Iran] before there was consistent evidence of compliance.

Bob Levinson was in Iran serving his government, and Bob Levinson was not well served by his government.

Many defense experts have predicted that we face no greater threat from a single country than from Iran.

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