Getting out and being able to present a concert is invigorating.

Rage has such focus. It can't go on forever, but it's invigorating.

Don't you find that work, if you love it, is actually really invigorating?

I love writing novels, but there is something deeply invigorating about the comic-book medium.

People are obsessed by happiness, but there are a lot of other invigorating experiences available.

The African people and tribal chiefs are hospitable, and African music and dances are invigorating.

I hate everything that merely instructs me without augmenting or directly invigorating my activity.

The Fourth of July concert is invigorating in so many ways, in terms of what it feels like to be an American.

I would still describe China as a vast, invigorating puzzle that will never make sense to my western upbringing.

Blush is really fresh and young, really invigorating. I like it more than bronzer. I think it's just a bit more lively.

It is the interplay between our experience and how we respond to it that makes karma devastating or helpfully invigorating.

Madness is tonic and invigorating. It makes the sane more sane. The only ones who are unable to profit by it are the insane.

Acting is invigorating. But I don't analyse it too much. It's like a dog smelling where it's going to do its toilet in the morning.

There is so much to do on a film set. It is an extraordinarily invigorating and wonderful place to be, when things are running well.

The sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.

I find teaching to be a great way to keep everything in perspective and to help give back. It's also a lot of fun and creatively invigorating.

There's nothing more invigorating than being deeply involved with a small company and a young team of founders out to do something incredibly special.

But I love the hot sweat. I think overheating onstage is invigorating. It's better than being comfortable. I think being comfortable is the death of a show.

Dangers are sum like a kold bath, very dangerous while you stand stripped on the bank, but often not only harmless, but invigorating, if you pitch into them.

I don't think films about working class people are sad at all; I think they're funny and lively and invigorating and warm and generous and full of good things.

I want to express what's meaningful. I'm not into gimmicks. I want to make truthful music that's invigorating, maintains a cutting edge, takes on different shades.

The Temper Trap's 'Sweet Disposition' is an invigorating song. It's my mental cue to let go of stress, disconnect from my career and connect to my body and my spirit.

I love sport, I grew up playing sports, that's all I did, and it is so invigorating now that I'm supposedly adult to learn something completely new, from the bottom up.

There's something distinct and interesting about a live performance. There's this weird immediacy that's, for me, really invigorating, and it just feels really rewarding.

Rage is a really fun place to dance from - expressions of anger sublimated into something beautiful are invigorating, especially if you feel like you're telling the truth.

I'm happy to see book clubs on TV. Talking about books has always been an important and invigorating part of reading them, and it's nice that that is getting attention from the media.

In fiction, you have a rough idea what's coming up next - sometimes you even make a little outline - but in fact you don't know. Each day is a whole new - and for me, a very invigorating - experience.

I'm 23, so I'm not done with my life. But acting, definitely, out of what I've done so far, makes me feel the most alive and is very invigorating and thrilling. So I figured I might as well try it for a while.

The first We Day celebration I attended was in Vancouver, and it was the most incredible experience - there is nothing more invigorating than a buzzing room of young people who are excited to change the world.

You carry all these hurts and breakups with you forever. But there is this sort of joyful realization that the things that caused you pain were real. There is something beautiful and invigorating in holding onto that.

There were days when I was literally running for hours in the forest and then I'd jump on a plane and then I'd be on the 'Nurse Jackie' set. I was going from Vancouver to New York every three days. For me, it was really invigorating.

When people look and decide they have nothing in common with me - I'm 43, balding, blond, whatever - there's something absolutely invigorating about winning them over. Even if it's eight people from Sweden who don't understand what I'm talking about.

A musical, like most religions, provides the audience or followers with a sense of belonging. Religious services, on the other hand, with their staged performances, invigorating songs, popular wisdom and shared experience, are almost a form of community theater.

I think the part of my acting career where I've been more successful, I've been incredibly cushioned. People are much too nice to you. You go into politics, and people are absolutely brutal. You've got proper enemies, and they're vicious. It's very invigorating.

The soul, cramped among the petty vexations of Earth, needs to keep its windows constantly open to the invigorating air of large and free ideas: and what thought is so grand as that of an ever-present God, in whom all that is vital in humanity breathes and grows?

It's only by taking myself away from clutter and distraction that I can begin to hear something out of earshot and recall that listening is much more invigorating than giving voice to all the thoughts and prejudices that anyway keep me company twenty-four hours a day.

I work with writers whom I believe to be true storytellers. And because I'm a writer, I pay very keen attention to their vision. I find that so fueling creatively because, in telling those stories, you use everything you've got. You come away with battle scars. It's gratifying and invigorating.

There just isn't anything more invigorating than to read an article or hear about an entrepreneur using the term 'disruptive technology' that makes no reference to me as the source. When it's clear they really got the idea and they use it as if it were in everyday parlance, that's the ultimate triumph.

Military deployments have never been something to enjoy, but the consequence of the actions, the shared nature of the sacrifices, and the nobility of the cause are invigorating. To be clear, I'm not talking about the killing and the death; rather, the sense of purpose that pervades every action, reaction, and outcome.

It's been invigorating being back on the West Coast, being at Alphabet, because there is so much innovation. And the big challenge is, how do you think about resource allocation and priorities when you have so many great options? But wearing jeans instead of suits and popping into driverless cars has also been a lot of fun.

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