Volatility may be rising simply because investors must digest more information every day.

Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing.

Publicly traded United States companies report sales and profits to investors every quarter.

If a company is profitable, the founder is in control. If it's not, investors are in control.

It is intellectually dishonest to lump venture investors with hedge fund and buy-out investors.

I am not an oligarch. I am a servant and I try to align my interests and those of my investors.

2005 is highly likely to be a more challenging environment, both for policymakers and investors.

I am obsessed with delivering value to investors and winning the game from a personal standpoint.

Too many investors overvalue companies in the near term while undervaluing them in the long term.

Investors who find the best businesses to put their money behind are rewarded for their research.

Investors can see that Facebook is feeling old and tired and isn't seeming to be that innovative.

Good investors have to choose how to allocate their mind share with the precious capital they have.

Money is available from investors as long as you have a great business model and a talented leader.

A financial crisis is a great time for professional investors and a horrible time for average ones.

We have to provide more visibility, more certainty to the investors and reduce the cost of failure.

Investors need to understand the risk of individual exchanges before trusting their funds with them.

Many entrepreneurs, and the venture investors who back them, seek to build billion-dollar companies.

A rule of thumb is that the best investors focus on losers, and the winners take care of themselves.

Investors should invest on what they know. The biggest mistake is to invest on what they don't know.

At the end of 2000, most investors were optimistic that a return to quick gains could not be far off.

My hope is that more and more investors around the world see an opportunity to do business in Greece.

I like putting my money into things like food and shelter. I'm probably a bad example of an investor.

What Enron was doing, what caused investors to embrace it in a rapture of baffled awe, was hiding debt.

When it comes to valuation, there's only one thing stock investors really care about, which is earnings.

We're starting to see a renaissance of investors embracing the idea that scientists can build businesses.

We are increasing our efforts to attract the right kind of foreign investors through our various agencies.

When people see success, particularly investors, they are much more willing to invest in artistic projects.

I believe that India's long-term growth story is strong, and foreign investors are keen to be a part of it.

Great VCs are more than mere investors; they are often seasoned leaders who have built companies themselves.

Investors are sometimes too busy looking for profits to notice where the truth ends and the deception begins.

There's a tendency to look at investments in isolation. Investors focus on the risk of individual securities.

My role has been limited to focus on fiduciary obligations to our investors as a general partner of our funds.

We are determined to improve the economic environment by getting foreign investors in and by cutting red tape.

The mutual fund industry and small investors are very relentless and very unforgiving if people don't perform.

Many investors make the mistake of buying high and selling low while the exact opposite is the right strategy.

With tech startups, it's all loose-goosie. You raise money as you go, often from friends, family and investors.

The need for empowering investors to have information on the way their own money is invested is not going away.

In general, investors prefer companies to reward executives for producing recurring income, not one-time gains.

If investors are willing to fund the U.S. deficit, why wouldn't investors want to fund the press freedom deficit?

It turns out that one of the biggest drivers of investors are both successful and non-successful startup founders.

Today's investors want to see a positive impact on society and the environment as well as solid financial returns.

Around the world, businesses and investors are increasingly taking action to climate-proof their own organizations.

The fact is, I have always enjoyed respectful relationships with female founders, business partners, and investors.

I think 2tor has a chance of remaking higher ed in a really great way. If we do that, those investors will do well.

We're pretty broad as investors. Our thesis is work with great entrepreneurs that believe they can change the world.

In every business I had ever started, even ones that had totally failed, I had kept good relations with the investors.

The ultimate arbiters of the models of banking and the management of banking are the investors. It's the shareholders.

Investors have to ask themselves two questions. How much can we grow our investments? And, can we afford our mistakes?

Simply put, investors should own less equities, more bonds, more global investments, more cash and more dry ammunition.

Private equity investors are an integral part of the economy and should be celebrated for making our country wealthier.

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