Each investigation team has a lawyer attached to it and there was a lawyer attached to me and my assistant.

If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed.

How is having every phone call that I make to my wife, to my daughter, relevant to any terror investigation?

The method of teaching which approaches most nearly to the method of investigation is incomparably the best.

One of the first things we found out was that the Warren Commission never pursued a conspiracy investigation.

The FBI and the NBA did a thorough investigation, and they both concluded that I did not fix games in the NBA.

The investigation into the possible effects of cosmic rays on living organisms will also offer great interest.

What are facts but compromises? A fact merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has long been regarded as our nation's premier federal investigative agency.

About all I can say for the United States Senate is that it opens with a prayer and closes with an investigation.

Uncertainty is a very good thing: it's the beginning of an investigation, and the investigation should never end.

Political economy has only become a science since it has been confined to the results of inductive investigation.

Psychoanalytic investigation has shown that in mental patients excessive affection often turns to violent hostility.

Unlike scientism, science in the true sense of the word is open to unbiased investigation of any existing phenomena.

The full resources of the Department of Justice have been committed to the investigation into Michael Brown's death.

The mass of the reading public is not interested in learning and assimilating the results of accurate investigation.

The study of history requires investigation, imagination, empathy, and respect. Reverence just doesn't enter into it.

Every investigation which is guided by principles of Nature fixes its ultimate aim entirely on gratifying the stomach.

My investigation found Sallie Mae put student borrowers into expensive subprime loans that it knew were going to fail.

Do I provoke as a method of investigation? Of course. That's the essence of architecture. Do I do it with gusto? I do.

I absolutely welcome a full investigation into the for-profit schools because I think a majority of them are predatory.

Any sort of role requires a certain amount of research and embodiment of the character and psychological investigation.

What Mach calls a thought experiment is of course not an experiment at all. At bottom it is a grammatical investigation.

Any theory, hypothesis, philosophy, sect, creed or institution that fears investigation, openly manifests its own error.

Nothing matters but the facts. Without them, the science of criminal investigation is nothing more than a guessing game.

The hydra of corruption is only scotched, not dead. An investigation kills and it and its supporters dead. Let this be had.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been requested to assist in the investigation of reported sightings of flying disks.

It's incredibly disturbing when a country, particularly your own country, uses discrimination as a basis for an investigation.

A president who is concerned about an ongoing criminal investigation is almost inevitably going to do a worse job as president.

When we did the first 'To Catch a Predator' investigation, law enforcement wasn't involved at all. Until after the story aired.

It is self-evident that any and all paths must be open to a researcher during the actual course of his [or her] investigations.

Before you begin a paranormal investigation, the most important criteria you need to gather is the back history of the location.

What's not OK is using government policy and taxpayer dollars to push for an investigation if the motivation is purely political.

I'm a really judgmental person, and it just dumbs everything down. It doesn't create any room for interrogation or investigation.

It is not plausible for Patrick Kennedy to do something to get the FBI to change the State Department investigation, this is crazy.

The American claim that the bombing of North Vietnam was directed against military targets does not withstand direct investigation.

If your faith is opposed to experience, to human learning and investigation, it is not worth the breath used in giving it expression.

When it comes to the Russia investigation, President Trump would be wise to review Scandal 101: Plausible deniability is your friend.

In my opinion, the Warren Commission's investigation has to be considered the most comprehensive investigation of a crime in history.

Everyone is happy for the history of slavery to be investigated so long as the investigation examines the parts in which we look good.

The senate intelligence committee announced it would launch a bipartisan investigation into Russia`s alleged interference in the election.

If you are in the camp I am, one place where science and faith could touch each other is in the investigation of supposedly miraculous events.

During the Mueller investigation, Roger Stone lied to federal investigators and allegedly pressured one potential witness. Not good. Never good.

At the NYPD, a judge doesn't need to sign off on opening up an investigation into a mosque as a terrorism organization. The oversight is internal.

If I have any advice to give to the Syrian president it is to cooperate for the sake of the investigation or for the sake of uncovering the truth.

We were criticized throughout that investigation for being too thorough, for taking too long. But time has proved the correctness of that approach.

There is a well-established process by which a prosecutor can recuse themselves from a pending investigation and a special prosecutor be appointed.

The special counsel has not advised Mr. Rove that he is a target of the investigation and affirmed that he has made no decision concerning charges.

It is both theoretically mistaken and morally wrong to regard others as objects of investigation rather than partners in free rational communication.

I think an interview, properly considered, should be an investigation. You shouldn't know what the interview will yield. Otherwise, why do it at all?

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