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Our lack of intimacy is due to our refusal to unplug and shut off communication from all others so we can be alone with Him.
The digitally native generation has no idea what has been lost to the freedom of intimacy that has no fear of being recorded.
Every intimacy carries secreted somewhere below its initial lovely surfaces, the ever-coiled makings of complete catastrophe.
The intimacy. The deepest level of love. The knowledge that someone understands you, is rooting for you, is sharing your life.
I take it as a sign of intimacy and friendship when you feel comfortable enough with someone to have a little rough and tumble.
On many occasions, an informal buffet and casual seating offer a little more intimacy than a loud gathering around a big table.
There is something intimate about painting I cannot explain to you ? but it is so delightful just for expressing one's feelings.
Passion is the quickest to develop, and the quickest to fade. Intimacy develops more slowly, and commitment more gradually still.
For me, it's the ultimate to be able to nurture and nourish someone. They trust you. It's a basic form of intimacy in a community.
We allow ourselves to unclench when we're home with our families, which is one of the truly wonderful advantages of human intimacy.
The immediacy of improvisation is intoxicating, but there's an intimacy that you get that's very different when you're doing drama.
Intimacy between humans need not be relegated to independent film. Real characters can exist no matter what the scale of a movie is.
If I can be more efficient, I'm actually being more respectful to the reader, which then implies a greater intimacy with the reader.
We want to be in open, loving communion with each other and our greatest fear is intimacy. That it won't work and we'll be rejected.
The married are those who have taken the terrible risk of intimacy and, having taken it, know life without intimacy to be impossible.
The questions of economics, and how they infect, or rather how they affect intimacy. And that's probably the subject of all my films.
Deference often shrinks and withers as much upon the approach of intimacy as the sensitive plant does upon the touch of one's finger.
I have tried to preserve in my relationship to the film the same closeness and intimacy that exists between a painter and his canvas.
I think part of real intimacy is being able to leave the room mad, and knowing that the other person will be there when you get back.
Fear is the great enemy of intimacy. Fear makes us run away from each other or cling to each other but does not create true intimacy.
There's something great about being on location with a bunch of people - there's a camaraderie and intimacy that builds up over time.
That's the power of television. You come into people's homes every week, and that creates a familiarity and a false sense of intimacy.
It was all about music, about getting your friends to come and see you play. I don't see that same intimacy happening very much today.
'River' is all about tension and release. It's about intimacy and solace. It's about staring someone in the face and not backing down.
Men may feel just disempowered by intimacy, by being close to a woman, and also by feeling the tender feelings that they're ashamed of.
Depending on the situation, sometimes you can know a person better in ten minutes than someone you have crossed paths with all your life.
Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense companionship of mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give.
Technology and communicating with people online or through a phone or through social media - it's a false sense of intimacy and connection.
I don't think I'd ever start making a film until I had both the intimacy with the subject and the distance to make it live in a certain way.
In the art world, sentimentality and intimacy and the emotive side of lives are considered very uncool. There's nervousness around intimacy.
If you've had intimacy in your life, you can be intimate onscreen. I mean, come on - I didn't know how to hold a gun, but I could play a cop.
What makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God.
It is precisely in times of spiritual dryness that we must hold on to our spiritual discipline so that we can grow into new intimacy with God.
Anything that takes you out of the context of being separate is healing. Anything that takes you out of the context of separateness is intimacy.
Sometimes, when you act with someone in an intimate capacity, you have to ask vulnerable questions to speed up intimacy - but that's artificial.
Stand-up and sketch and improv - that's the most direct contact you can have with somebody, making them laugh. I like that. I like the intimacy.
The intimacy which is contracted in infancy, and friendship which is formed in misfortune, are, of all others, the most lasting and unalterable.
I like the intimacy of independent films and I like the idea that people aren't being paid necessarily as much money as some one on a studio film.
I was so ready to become a mom. Actually, I was ready secondarily to become a mom. I was so ready to have the intimacy and commitment of marriage.
I think that if you are looking at a comic that's made by one person, that there's just a level of intimacy that I don't really see anywhere else.
Portland has all the accoutrements of a big city, but the heart and soul of it is a small town, so that creates an intimacy in a large environment.
I regret to say that we of the FBI are powerless to act in cases of oral-genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate commerce.
I know what my sweet spot has been. It's personal stuff, dysfunction, fear of intimacy, family stuff, psychology stuff. I eviscerate myself onstage.
I have a lot of people in my life, and I think there's something key: the thing that leads to intimacy and relationship and connection is tenderness.
Being able to laugh at a situation can help you hang on to your perspective. And there's an intimacy in laughter that nothing else can come close to.
I think what's very French is the mixture of comedy with intimacy and a kind of reflectiveness. For U.S. audiences, the nearest thing is Woody Allen.
Romantic scenes are a part of Bollywood cinema, and if the script demands some kind of intimacy, I have no issues with my daughter doing those scenes.
I love the intimacy of TV. I love the fact that you don't necessarily have the pressure of an audience or anyone around watching it - just you and it.
Amy Winehouse affected my life tremendously. I think maybe she was the first sense of intimacy that I had with a complete stranger, musically speaking.
There's a kind of intimacy that can happen between musicians, and if they're people you enjoy and respect as humans, that intimacy is a real privilege.