At international level, I've only ever wanted Wales.

You don't need to spoon-feed bowlers at the international level.

Every game is different, and there is no easy game at international level.

The competition is tough at the international level. There are very good players.

I knew I have those skills and capabilities to perform at the international level.

I'm lucky to have managers at club level and international level who believe in me.

I want to etch my name into the history books myself, both at club and international level.

I was a world champion on the trampoline at an international level, and gymnastics competitor.

I feel I am promoting the sport well in Australia with what I'm doing on an international level.

Community action is as valuable a principle on the international level as it has been domestically.

We have to improve at club level - and at the international level, there is a lot of room for improvement.

Football is very changeable, particularly at international level when you're not working together every day.

Mandzukic has scored everywhere he has played. He has a lot of personality and plays at international level.

I want to be associated with a show related to cricket as I'm proud of India playing the sport at an international level.

At first, I was overwhelmed at moving up to international level, but the England lads are top class at making you feel welcome.

Ultimately, playing at international level, at all age groups, is good for a player's development, and that is good for clubs, too.

At the international level, one has to keep working hard and develop new skills. International cricket is all about improving yourself.

Cooperation on the international level could help to solve the problem of sources of sharp capital flow volatility and its consequences.

Coach should be a friend, not a coach. And at international level, all you need is a friend who can motivate you. Technique doesn't matter.

The Nobel Prize has given me, for the first time in my life, the feeling that my literature could be appreciated on an international level.

I'm at peace with what I've been able to accomplish, not only domestically but abroad, and what I was able to do on the international level.

I'm a very, very proud Canadian, and having the privilege to represent my country on the international level was the highlight of my 18-year career.

I want to test myself, playing with the best and against the best. I can do that at international level, so that's my target and what I want to reach.

If we can ape other shows or even start Indian versions of international series by taking their franchise, why can't we take our shows to an international level?

All I do is work hard. Try and work on my bowling and keep improving every day. That's the key to success at the international level and in tournaments like the IPL.

In today's global economy, however, it is important to raise the bar of excellence even higher. Today's students must be prepared to compete effectively on an international level.

I'm used to politics at an international level: people put together an argument and, even if you vehemently disagree with them, well, you can recognise it's an argument and respond.

To me, AIDS is an international epidemic and every country can be affected by it. Therefore, it can be discussed on an international level. Unfortunately, AIDS doesn't require a visa.

I've been managing myself for some time now, and after accomplishing many goals here in Brazil, I knew it was time to make new contacts and do bigger things on an international level.

The captain at international level has to be someone who is one of the first names on the team sheet, someone who has the respect of the other players and someone who has good leadership qualities.

Tennis is a beautiful sport but it's also a sport where you get thrown out there into the world and it's on an international level. As an athlete and as a human being you're learning. You're a kid.

Sure we have skilled players, but the biggest thing might just be that we are so well conditioned and how we can play for 90 minutes at a high tempo which is needed in soccer at an international level.

In my view, if you have good or bad technique, it doesn't matter. But you will survive if you can adjust your game at international level, you are mentally strong, you know your strengths and how to score runs.

There are times when new players replace injured players in the national squad. Since the new players don't have enough experience and match practice at the international level, they seldom play under a lot of pressure.

I would be absolutely delighted if I were to have a career similar to that of Schweinsteiger, both at club and international level. We all know what he has done for German football. It is an honour to be likened to him.

How do we get democracy at the international level? That's our problem. and it's essentially the same problem people faced in the 18th Century when they tried to get democracy nationally. Now we need it internationally.

Rock musicians, and a vast array of popular-music musicians, due to their wealth, acquired through the mass of their notoriety, are able to be listened to and heard and thus are able to effect change on an international level.

I think when you are playing at the international level, there is so much television exposure that people are looking at your weaknesses and strengths, and you need to fox them at times. You have got to do something different.

I'm learning from my past mistakes and trying to correct them as I move forward. Experience at the international level has probably taught me what it takes to probably go out there and get a 100 or to build an innings or to win a game.

I am excited to bring my deep knowledge, passion and expertise of soccer in this country to The New York Cosmos. They truly represent where this sport is headed on a national and international level, and I want to make history with them.

A youngster should know his game first. If he knows his game, he can modify it at the top level if required. But if he doesn't know his game, then it is difficult to get success at international level. You will get success occasionally but not regularly.

The merger mania which goes on and on and on is the sign of the disappearance of competition. As we deregulate, the mergers increase, which means there's less and less competition. At the national level, at the regional level, but also at the international level.

My dream is to take the Indian independent music scene to an international level. People like Alisha Chinai, Baba Sehgal and Daler Mehndi took it to a very high level. My ultimate target is to win a Grammy. I don't want to primarily be a Bollywood playback singer.

When I think of myself at 15, even 17, I could simply not have done this work on an international level and travel all the time, take care of myself and not feel lost. I feel very happy that this is happening now, and not 10 years ago, as I feel stronger as a person.

In the early '80s there was a big gap between the NBA and the international game and when we started making our careers here in the NBA, obviously, we became better players. When we used to play each other on the international level, that gap became smaller and smaller.

Countries have largely been left alone to handle or ignore their educational problems as they see fit. In part, this was because we assumed that the contexts and challenges were so different from nation to nation that education could not be tackled at the international level.

If you had a global calendar, then you would have less games; you create more intrigue, create supply and demand with regards to the sport, and that will heighten the intrigue with regards to the Lions. Create more mystique not only at international level but at club level as well.

Being Muslim has become synonymous with pointed questions, with tension and mistrust, even with conflict. It has become a global phenomenon with profound consequences for inter-communal relations, political rhetoric and policies at the local, regional, national and international level.

Don Chew is the owner of the Orange County Badminton Club, the location where I train. He played badminton when he was young and always had the passion for it. He never made it at the international level, but he wanted to give back to the sport. The majority of the elite players train at Orange County Badminton Club.

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